Forever Home.
Your happy place.
For some, it may seem like owning a house these days is more challenging. Others will beg to differ. So which is it really? It all depends on one’s perspective. Personally from experience, I would say that a lot has changed. The housing market have skyrocketed this year. But owning a house is much easier these days unlike before.
I have to admit I am shocked by how affordable it is to buy a pre-made home. We were able to get a better house going this route with a larger backyard for the kids. I’m excited to talk a little bit about how the pandemic has changed home buying for everyone!
The market is now flooded with opportunities and if you have the right credit and connections, you can easily become a homeowner within just 3-6 months! Owning a home is a fabulous way to set down some roots so that your kids can come back “home” for holiday meals at a location they grew up in.
There are so many wonderful benefits of owning a home but today I wanted to chat a bit more about the housing market because it’s just changed so much since the pandemic. With everything starting to open up, I wanted to chat more about this option for living.
Great Investment
If you can get a decent deal on the house, like we did with our prebuilt home rather than the new build home, then it may be a great investment. You can easily get an affordable house that is paid off quickly and then use this as a future asset.
Some homes that are older may not be as wise of an investment, that’s why I just love the prebuilt home option. We were able to get such a great deal with a lovely yard that makes me never want to leave home. Our house is much like living full time in vacation mode.
More For Your Money
Renting is getting crazy expensive in most of the United States, especially for families who will need more space than the average one-person renter. That’s why I highly suggest you chat with a realtor about your options for home buying.
Because of FHA Loan or also known as Federal Housing Administration. This is a type of mortgage insurance provided by an FHA-approved lender. FHA insured loans are a type of federal assistance that helps qualified home buyers put down a lower down payment of 3.5% percent compared to the traditional 20%.
U.S. Mortgage Rates Rise Above 3% for First Time Since July –Bloomberg
Of course, owning a property isn’t for everyone. For some, renting is more ideal compare to owning right off. The best way to approach such is to consider all the factors and look into a mortgage calculator like, a site that offer free tools which help people figure out their mortgage payments.
You too may find that home buying right now is much easier and more affordable than renting someone else’s property. Also, even if you are already a home owner, if you have the credit and money to invest, you should consider flipping homes to make an extra side hustle income.

What do you think?