Guess what lovelies, Kiehl’s and Vogue have sent yours truly a beautiful surprise package to share to y’all. I bet you’re all just as excited as I am. I couldn’t help but let out a squeal when I have received the box filled with Kiehl’s full size skin care products. Who wouldn’t be excited??? Kiehl’s since 1851 had been providing had been providing products that are made with the finest “naturally-derived” ingredients! Even their packaging is recyclable. If you have seen the teasers that I have shared on my favorite social networks you would have a slight idea already of what the goodies are. For those who haven’t, wait no further … you can check out the pictures below …
As you may all know, a few weeks back I started a new cleansing and moisturizing regimen. While Kiehl’s Healthy Skin Essentials targets a different skin related issue, I prefer not to mix products that I use to achieve an ideal result. Being a beauty blogger it gets quite challenging to share my reviews on a timely manner and to make sure that I am “reviewing / testing” products properly, I had to give my skin a little break.
I gave my skin a rest for 2 straight days (over the last weekend of August) – no skin care products was used aside from a facial wash. I started using Kiehl’s skin care line the very first day of this month and as of today I have been using Kiehl’s products for 1 whole week already. Trying new products can be scary but I am willing to give things a try to find that perfect product that works great with combination skin type. Most especially I get a lot of private messages from most of my readers asking what products I can recommend, so this review is dedicated to all of you.
After using the product for one week I am now able to share my “first impression” and broad overview. Read on for my detailed review …
Super Multi-Corrective Eye-Opening Serum
This holy grail is absolutely amazing-ggg! Yes it is a Holy Grail product. I would recommend it to anyone. A product that actually works to make my eyes look livelier and youthful by firming and lifting the surrounding skin. In fact this works great for those who did not have enough rest the night before and want to make sure they have a well-rested look.
First Impression: At first pump I thought I smelled an hint of alcohol but subsided right away within 3-seconds as soon as I started lathering. Odorless and leaves no funny smell or sticky residue. After application following Kiehl’s official “How-To” guide which can be found below … the skin surrounding my eyes feels tighter and lifted.
❝ How To Use Kiehl’s Super Eye Multi-Corrective Eye-Opening Serum ❞
Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate
I’m a night-owl I typically stay up all night as I suffer from insomnia. Despite knowing the side-effects of sleep-deprivation I couldn’t force myself to sleep unless I take some supplements that will help me doze off. That being said, often times my skin feels dehydrated and dull. My eyes tend to get dark circles underneath with slight puffiness. Zombie-like? Yep.
First Impression: At first pump it looked like a cloudy semi-transparent gel that is cold to touch. Completely odorless and no sticky residue. With the Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum my skin started to look so much healthier once again. No filler injections needed as this serum have plumped my skin and made it look so much smoother and radiant! At first
Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash
This soap-free gel compound facial wash is very fun to use as it transforms to creamy foam when lathered with water. Formulated with Calendula Flower Extracts and Glycerin, my skin is stripped off with any impurities without affecting the Ph balance and leaving it instantly refreshed without over drying. Perfect for Normal – Oily skin type and compatible with any skin-type even for those who have a sensitive skin.
First Impression: At first pump I noticed right away that it came off as a thick gel and it has a hint of plant / herb like scent. If I were to describe it further it reminds me of an earthly like aroma that a leaf or petal would give off when crushed or crumbled. My skin feels really clean and somewhat moisturized right after use.
Micro-Blur Skin Perfector
Got super-sized enlarged pores? I know exactly how you feel. Seriously, sometimes I feel like someone can already start mining from my pores and bury something in there. I know cleaning my face regularly and using toner can help pores appear smaller, and it does … except when I use BB Creams or Foundation. Great! No, not really. With the Micro-Blur Skin Perfector my pores looks way less visible! I simply have to squeeze a small amount, dot it around the area with enlarged pores, then pat and spread. As soon as I applied a BB Cream on top of the Micro Blur I noticed right away that my skin looked smoother and pores were minimized.
First Impression: At first squeeze I noticed that it is tinted with a creamy peach & yellow shade and appeared like a paste formulation. As I was lathering the product onto my face it gave me a tingling cold sensation. It was a refreshing feeling and I can’t help but enjoy its light powder light scent. Definitely a great product to have on every woman’s makeup bag. PS it doesn’t clog my pores neither!
Super Multi-Corrective Cream
Looking for a moisturizer that addresses the typical signs of aging? How about to regain bounce and elasticity? Maybe combat wrinkles too? The Super Multi-Corrective Cream addresses all of that and more … and that also includes making pores look less visible! Say what now? Yep. This daily moisturizer is your all-in-one combo to help fight the typical skin care issues that start appearing as we age.
First Impression: Fresh, Light, and Clean are the first few words that came into mind after slathering an ample amount on my skin. The cream doesn’t leave any sticky residue nor does it make my face look or feel greasy. My most favorite part? The cooling sensation while it improves my skin’s resiliency. Somehow I can’t really figure out the scent but the closest that I can refer to is a combination of sweet and sour citrus as well as a hint of milk like scent that quickly subsides.
Midnight Recovery Concentrate
Need a magic elixir to restore the appearance of skin overnight? Look no further. A Skin Care witch have cooked up an elixir on her cauldron and called it Midnight Recovery Concentrate. This Kiehl’s product made it to my Holy Grail list as well and totally love that it is Paraben Free, Fragrance Free and Mineral Oil Free – infused with natural oils that can easily penetrate skin.
First Impression: comes in a very unique packaging / product bottle. The bottle comes with a dropper inside and instead of squeezing to get the product, this bottle is made for pressing. Cool! The scent reminds of a lawn with fresh cut / trimmed glass. Despite the product containing distilled Botanicals and Pure Essential Oils my skin surely doesn’t feel heavy, greasy or oily/shiny.
❝ How To Apply Midnight Recovery Concentrate ❞
Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution
Looking like a raccoon after quite a few sleepless nights? I can relate. Badly! I often wish that the dark circle / rims under my eyes are just from a smeared eyeliner or runny mascara. Except it isn’t the case. With the Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution the dark circles under my eyes had been diminished.
First Impression: first few squeeze I noticed right away a hint of light alcohol and some other sweet blend. Quite easy to use and can be used as a spot treatment on the problems areas. No sticky or greasy residue neither. Definitely a great product to have no matter. Obviously this product made it to my Holy Grail list as well.
Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate
Wrinkles and Lines got you down? Frown no more as this Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate is here to save the day! Formulated with a high concentration of Pure Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) this product improves the appearance of skin aging. There’s a fine line that I have been noticing on my forehead and cheek area that for the life of me don’t know how to fix … up until this product.
First Impression: Using the Line-Reducing Concentrate it had slowly started showing a slight difference to my fine lines. My skin definitely looks toner and firmer too. Upon squeezing and slathering an ample amount I noticed a warming sensation.
❝ How To Use Powerful Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate ❞
Overall: I love how Kiehl’s skin care has dramatically made my skin look younger, firmer and radiant! The prices on some items are reasonable, while the others are slightly a bit expensive but totally understandable. With Kiehl’s products you get the finest naturally-derived ingredients. Basically, you literally get what you pay for.
» Super Multi-Corrective Eye-Opening Serum — 0.5 fl. oz. / 15 ML $48.00
» Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate — 1.7 fl. oz. / 50 ML $58.00
» Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash — 7.8 fl. oz. / 230 ML $29.00
» Micro-Blur Skin Perfector — 1.0 fl. oz. / 30 ML $35.00
» Super Multi-Corrective Cream — 1.7 fl. oz. / 50 ML $62.00
» Midnight Recovery Concentrate — 1.0 fl. oz. / 30 ML $46.00
» Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution — 1.0 fl. oz. / 30 ML $49.50
» Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate — 1.7 fl. oz. / 50 ML $58.00
Notes: I will be sharing an update of my “Instant Favorites” so please do stay tune for my next post featuring my top picks. So make sure to visit my blog again so you can stay up to date.
Don’t forget to leave some love or if you have any question feel free to share it all on my comments box. Of course, the usual for those who wish to just reach out directly feel free to use my contact form. I’ll make sure to answer as soon as possible.
FTC: Product[s] mentioned on this post were provided by the company or the PR that works in behalf of the company for my consideration. All reviews I publish are my own honest and unbiased opinion. Press samples do not, in any way, affect the outcome of my product reviews. Post contains a link to a product page, shopping through this link will not result to a commission. I am not in any way compensated to write and publish this review.

Daphne Benosa
September 9, 2014This is totally awesome! I love your detailed review. I will be looking forward to your updates especially I hear so many great things about Kiehls.
Angela Ricardo
September 9, 2014Thank you Daphne! Kiehl’s is definitely a brand that cares. Their products cater to correct and treat specific skin needs while using natural ingredients. You should check them out!
Karren Arabejo
September 9, 2014I’ve seen the Micro Blur in the Kiehl’s store here in the Philippines but never purchased before. After reading your review I am definitely going to buy it soon. Would the other products be launched here soon?
Angela Ricardo
September 9, 2014The Micro Blur works wonders! say goodbye to visible pores when it comes to applying foundation and such. I am sure the products I have reviewed will soon be (if not already on the way) available in the Kiehl’s store over there.
Lisa Lowrey
September 9, 2014Thank you very much for this great review. I always love reading your post. I find them very helpful and interesting to read. More power Ms Angela.
Angela Ricardo
September 9, 2014Thank you very much Lisa!
Shekina Joy
September 9, 2014I am not very good with my skin, I tend to neglect keeping up with my skin care routine and have been breaking out. I am now ready to try something new. Would you say these products would be good for someone who have oily skin?
Angela Ricardo
September 9, 2014Shekina in order for products to work you will need to stick with the routine and instructions given per product. Finding out the main cause of your breakout would be very beneficial too. it could be from habits, foods that you eat or simply by not cleansing your face properly.
When it comes to Kiehl’s products all are made of natural ingredients that I would definitely recommend it to anyone. For your skin issue I would highly recommend that you try out the Calendula as it is specifically formulated for normal to oily skin types.
Lynn Dee
September 10, 2014I have been hearing so much about Kiehl’s but never really gave it a try per se. I find their product really expensive and I just didn’t want to spend that much on products.
Angela Ricardo
September 10, 2014Lynn, when it comes to not wanting to spend I can relate … I have been there myself. Except like I always tell my friends as well, we definitely get what we pay for. In order to receive a quality product, one should be willing to spend too. I can guarantee you however that the products I have mentioned on this post are all worth spending on.
September 10, 2014Oh darling your post is too perfect! I love Kiehl’s and have been using the brand for a long time. I haven’t heard of Calendula and I am definitely going to check that new item out. Thanks for keeping us up to date with new products and for trying your best to deliver great content. Kudos.
Angela Ricardo
September 10, 2014You are too sweet Helen! Thank you so much.
September 11, 2014I have been looking for an anti-aging that would work for my skin. I have a combination skin type like you. Reading this review just saved me a lot of time looking for a new product to try. Thanks!
Gabrielle Agatha
September 11, 2014I love your dedication to review products miss angela! I can never find the time to do all the things I want to do and here you are making sure you deliver things on time. I totally admire you and your flawless skin too!
September 12, 2014Hi hun! I found your post via your latest update on twitter. Couldn’t help but click right away to read your post. I know some people may have told you this already but I really love reading your detailed post. I don’t mind lengthy reviews as long as I get all the information I need. So once again, thanks!
September 12, 2014I am so in love with your skin and I definitely think its because you have been using the right products. I would love to have healthy skin like you do too! Do you think the dark spot solution will also remove the old acne scar on my face? I popped a huge pimple a few months ago and even though it healed already I still have a dark spot on that area.
Angela Ricardo
September 12, 2014Hi Kierra! Thank you for the kind words. Yes I absolutely believe that the Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution would help lighten the acne scarring that you have. All skin are different, some people respond to treatments and serum really fast while some may have to take some time to see an ideal result. When it comes to Kiehl’s products they deliver what they promise. I just can’t give you an estimate of how long will it take to see results but I am sure it will work.
September 13, 2014I don’t really know much about Kiehl’s and never really thought of giving them a try. I’ve tried a lot of drug store skin care products and always end up breaking out so I just use whatever.
Angela Ricardo
September 13, 2014Emmett, it is very important to know the cause of your breakouts to address them properly. There could be a lot of reason to it or as simple as mixing products that aren’t compatible and that causes irritation to your skin. Kiehl’s products are very powerful and works wonders to our skin and still gentle enough with their natural ingredients.
Suzette Balucanag
September 14, 2014My mother had been looking for an anti-aging that will help her “look younger” and I am not sure what product will be best for her. Do you have any recommendation?
Angela Ricardo
September 14, 2014Thank you for asking Suzette! I would recommend to get the Super Multi-Corrective Eye-Opening Serum, Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate, Super Multi-Corrective Cream and Midnight Recovery Concentrate. Those would be a great choice to start with.
Make sure to ask around as well for tips when you visit a Kiehl’s store.
Renz Alcantara
September 14, 2014My wife loves skin care products and I haven’t heard her mention of Kiehl’s. I’ll be mentioning this post to her so she can check it out. I am sure she will find your post very interesting to read.
Angela Ricardo
September 14, 2014Thank is very nice of you Renz! Thank you very much.
September 15, 2014I heard so many great things about Kiehl’s! Please post more Kiehl’s review especially the ultra light daily UV defense!
Angela Ricardo
September 15, 2014Hi Yuuki! As much as I would love to review more Kiehl’s product these are the only items they have sent. Maybe someday I can. Make sure to follow my updates and teasers on my social networks so you can be up to date.
Theresa Jones
September 15, 2014I am totally excited that you reviewed Kiehl’s! I have been wanting to read a review from blogs I follow and trust. Your first impressions are totally on the money. I can’t wait to see your upcoming updates. Keep us all posted!
Angela Ricardo
September 15, 2014Hi Theresa! Thank you so much. I am truly flattered that you see my blog as a trustworthy source of review. I will make sure to keep y’all posted! xx
Trish Lopez
September 16, 2014As a mom I need skin care products that would work for my skin problems but would be safe enough to use so that it won’t harm my kids. I know most skin care products comes with a lot of chemicals and I just can’t let my kids be around all that stuff.
Angela Ricardo
September 16, 2014Well Trish, I am sure you will be very happy with Kiehl’s as they use the finest, naturally derived ingredients.There are no harmful chemicals that can harm your kids.
September 16, 2014More please! I love reading your reviews. I am sure Kiehl’s would be impressed with your informative post.
Angela Ricardo
September 16, 2014Thank you so much Julie! I hope so … that would be amazing! xx
Faith Roxas
September 17, 2014Loves your post is so amazing! I’ve only tried one thing from them which is a moisturizer and I totally love it. It was only a sample but I find the product awesome. It worked great for my skin. I can’t wait to read more. Hopefully someday I can try those too!
Angela Ricardo
September 17, 2014Thank you loves! I’ll make sure to keep you posted on my upcoming update. xx
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes
September 17, 2014Awesome review! Although I’ve never purchased Kiehl products before I have tested a couple out in the shops and really loved them. I think I may be making a post-baby treat purchase for myself.
September 17, 2014I’ve heard a lot of good reviews about Kiehls but I haven’t tried it yet though. Maybe if I’ll have enough funds, would definitely like to try it! 🙂
September 17, 2014The eye serum and corrective dark spot sound amazing, I get such dark circles so this combination would be dreamy. What an amazing surprise gift!
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