It’s been ages since I last hanged out with my close friend JM Cruz whom I often refer to as The Last Emperor back in our plurking days. As years passed by I have gotten to know some of his great friends as well as colleagues like Gio Verona. Both of them are very passionate in photography, although their niche are different from each other. JM is into Cosplay while Gio is into Fashion. So a photo shoot with them two can only mean one thing … awesome results. Right away, we scheduled an early morning meetup …
Wake up in anticipation something great is going to happen today
Be in-Love with your life every minute of it.
In between the shoot we managed to squeeze in a few chit-chats and to share a highlight of our day … let me share this stolen shot of JM while taking a picture of me.
For those of you who might be wondering, no I didn’t leave the house with this outfit on. In fact I was wearing a casual clothing of shirt and skirt paired with flats. No I am not embarassed to wear a bart simpson outfit outdoors, but during my stay in the Philippines I surely didn’t want to attract too much attention as I often take the local transportation. Overall, it was indeed a very fun and fulfilling day. I definitely had a wonderful time. Watch out for the second part of this post! xox

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