The beginning of this year my hubby deployed to the Middle East. That alone was a life-changing event. Exactly 2 months ago (June 9th), I turned 30. I lived alone with my fur-baby in a new development we just moved into last summer. Some would be terrified of the change. Others would feel out of place especially not knowing anyone in the area or neighborhood – not me. That did not stop me from being happy. Because I’ve decided to not allow the negativity spoil the good things. That life is only as good as we decide to make it. We either fall down and crumble or fall down, get back up, be bold and not let anyone or anything define my life.
I’m sure a lot of you have experienced up’s and downs – sometimes even feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Don’t be. Yes, I totally understand that things are easier said than done. But with all honesty, everyone is experiencing some sort of trial one way or another. Just because one isn’t showing signs of struggle doesn’t mean they’re not going through anything. How do they do it? By being BOLD and POSITIVE. Start your day with a mindset aiming for success and productivity. Since I am a self-confessed coffee-holic, I have to have my dose of caffeine. A cup of coffee (or two) but never without. For life’s boldest moments, Dunkin’ Dark® coffee provides coffee lovers (and coffeeholics) with a distinctly rich, bold, yet absolutely smooth blend without tasting any bitter notes to stay inspired throughout the day.
Dunkin’ Dark® coffee contains 30% Rainforest Alliance Certified™ coffee! The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve natural resources and protects wildlife and the environment.
As easy as one push of a button, I am able to enjoy a rich, smooth roast of Dunkin’ Dark® coffee. You have no idea how thankful I am for the invention of K-cups. For those who don’t have a coffee brewing system you can still enjoy this delicious brew with the Bold Roast grinds.
Dunkin’ Dark® coffee is available beginning July 2016 in grocery stores nationwide in NEW K-Cup® Pods (10-ct or 16-ct) and new packaging for the 11-oz. and 18.4-oz bags of ground coffee.
During the months that my hubby was away, I felt challenged with a lot of things. Like everyone else. For starters, I don’t drive (not yet at least). At one point I was stuck in the house. There are no buses in the area/development. It’s a far walk from everything. So I found my way around using taxi, uber and lyft services. I didn’t know anyone. So I said hi and hello to my neighbors to break the ice. Even gotten to know some of them very well. Then I made use of my time wisely. I lived it to the fullest so I won’t be having any regrets. Life is too short. I intend to make the most of it. A few years ago we lived overseas and we travelled often. We visited different places and enjoyed different cuisines. We even went on a cruise when we were still residing in Italy. But as most of you would know, the military lifestyle is full of changes and uncertainty. One day he is home, the next day he isn’t. It’s all about mind over matter.
Then finally, the long wait was over. My hubby came home middle of the day of August 3rd – and you have no idea how happy we both were. I surprised him with a warm welcome home greeting. If you’re following me on social media, you should see the updates I have shared.
Now that he is home, we enjoy our Dunkin’ Dark® coffee together. In the morning or middle of the day.
Dunkin’ Dark® Coffee
Be Bold. Be Brave. Be You.
Be fearless. Be Bold. Do What the Ordinary Fear. Start your day with positivity and make sure to pick up Dunkin’ Dark® coffee the next time you’re grocery shopping or at a local Dunkin Donuts. You can also order a box of k-cups or a bag of grinds online at
For more information, visit:
When life is wearing you down, remember that there are people out there in this world who had bigger life challenges and did not let their trials stop them. Just like Erik Weihenmayer. He is the only blind man to summit Mount Everest and he too enjoys the bold, smooth, never-bitter taste of Dunkin’ Dark® coffee.
Just know that your life will not get better by chance. It will get better with change. Start today. Live Bold.

August 10, 2016Awwwww welcome home to him! I’ve a veteran myself and know what it’s like to be away from loved ones. Thank you for sharing your story!
April Mims
August 10, 2016I love your approach to starting today with a positive mindset and attitude of productivity. That’s how I try to approach each day too.
August 11, 2016Lovely couple! I love your positivity! I always try to be bold and fearless!
August 11, 2016Aw I’m so glad your hubby is home! That has to be so stressful to have him away for so long. Enjoy!
Kathy Hester
August 11, 2016Wow – you have an amazing attitude about change. It takes a lot of courage to do all you do. Congrats and having him home now!
August 12, 2016I am so glad that you did not let your husband’s deployment keep you sidelined. Glad to see you got out and started doing some things without fear of not getting it done. Love your coffee mugs!
Melanie Frost
February 5, 2017I really like your blog and your style! It’s very inspiring to me. This post is so fun and I love those mugs. Congrats to have the hubby home with you now. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
February 5, 2017So glad he is home! You’re one strong woman! And Dunkin Donuts is the best, I love their coffee (and donuts)!
February 5, 2017Aww I’m glad hes home! Can I just say that I’m in love with the color of your Keurig?! So cute! I just have black. Ill have to give this coffee a try. I normally buy the starbucks kcups but they’re pricey, so I’d love a good alternative!
February 5, 2017Yay! Homecomings are always my favorite. I can definitely relate to you in a few ways just because my husband is in the Army and we have been through our fair share of deployments. I am also a big coffee-holic as well!
February 6, 2017I love your mugs they are so cute! But can we just talk about how bloody adorable that picture of you two is? I can’t even. You’re so damn cute together! xxx
Nicole Feliciano
February 6, 2017Looks like your coffee game is strong!
February 6, 2017How exciting to have him home! There is now other feeling as wonderful when you know that they are home and safe.
Courteney Noonan
February 6, 2017I love how positive you are – this post was really nice to read 🙂 I used to work at Dunkin Donuts and I was actually addicted to the coffee – it’s so so good! Also – I love your mugs 🙂 x
February 6, 2017Sounds like you’ve had some big changes in your life! I love those coffee mugs and the dunkin’ donut coffee!
February 6, 2017It must be so hard living apart but it sounds like you don’t let this get you down and you live life to the fullest. And coffee always helps haha!
Amber Nelson
February 6, 2017I can totally relate as I am the wife of a military man as well. Glad he is home now!
February 6, 2017First things first, those mugs are so cute! This post is so positive, I love it. So happy to see that your hubby is home, too!
February 8, 2017I think starting off the morning on such a positive note is essential for setting the overall tone of your entire day. Doing so with delicious coffee is another must.