I have always wondered what my little one is feeling inside my tummy. Is he scared that he is all alone? Does he feel bored being in my womb by himself with no TV shows, movies, or toys to entertain him? And sometimes, I also wonder if he hears my voice every time I talk or sing to him.
Well, I may never know exactly what he is feeling inside, but I have found a way on how I can help ease his worries (if he is feeling that way), anxiety or boredom while he is inside my womb. Thanks to WavHello the maker of Bellybuds, I can now play songs (even classical music) as well as read books (using my voice, his dad’s or any other family members) inside my womb — anytime, all the time!
Bellybuds is like a wearable earphone for the baby bump. These are flat speakers that you can attach to your belly (with the use of skin-safe hydrogel adhesives), and it can deliver soothing music, sounds and even recorded voices to the baby inside your womb.
Benefits of Prenatal Music and Stimulation
According to some of the studies, I have come across, playing music to your baby inside the womb can help soothe anxiety. More than that, experts also claim that exposing your baby to music at this stage can also make them smarter!
Helpful Reads and Articles:
» Babies Listen and Learn While in the Womb
» 4 Wonderful Effects Of Listening To Music During Pregnancy
» Babies may remember music heard in the womb
» Does classical music make babies smarter?
» Experts Discuss Whether Mozart Really Does Make Babies Smarter
What I like most about Bellybuds is that it is not like other earphones out there that are too bulky and cumbersome. Since these earphones are specially designed for the belly, it is lightweight and highly portable, so I can play music to my baby even if I am in the car, doing my laundry, cleaning around the house, or writing content on my blogs.
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Another feature that I like is it comes with an audio splitter so my baby and I can enjoy simultaneous listening. Just the thought that we are listening to the same music already makes me feel closer to him. There’s also a handy pre and post switch to help adjust the volume.
The “Pre” natal setting has a lower max volume guaranteed to deliver music safely to a baby inside the womb. The “Post” natal setting has a higher max volume to help play soft music, voice messages, and when using BellyBuds as an ambient speaker after the baby is born.
*** both the “Pre” and “Post” switch/setting ensures a maximum level of sound that is safe for a baby in the womb.
Last but not least, I have to give major props for their VoiceShare app (available in the App Store for iOs devices and Google Play for Android devices). It helps parents, as well as loved ones, connect with the baby. They offer a broad range of products in their library as well as one album of free music and one free children’s book you can record in your voice.
I can’t wait to see my baby boy but I know November is still a few months away so for now, the best thing I can do for him is to play music and listen along with him. I hope that it is enough to keep him relaxed and make him feel safe until the day comes that I will get to hold him in my arms!
check out this article and find out how ❝ listening to music during pregnancy can reduce prenatal stress ❞

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle
August 24, 2017That is the coolest thing ever! When my kids were inside me, I put headphones on my belly, but it was super hard to get them to stay. These would have been so much better.
melissa chapman
August 24, 2017I think that soft soothing music played to the baby must be a good thing. It would be so much fun to listen along with him. I am so interested in the studies on this topic.
The Cubicle Chick
August 24, 2017I will def check into this for my friend girl who is pregnant. Thanks for sharing. – yolonda
August 24, 2017What a cool product. I wish something like this was around when I was pregnant with my kiddies! I love the benefits they have on the baby!
Phyllis Pometta
August 24, 2017First congratulations! I wish I had these types of products when I was pregnant. My kids are 13, 16 & 19 so things have come a long way since then! It’s so exciting to get them acclimated to noises and sounds before birth. I went to concerts when I was pregnant with my first one and there was only one song that calmed my baby…and it was an alternative rock song! LOL Enjoy exploring and exposing your baby to new sounds and music!
Terri Steffes
August 24, 2017My birthday is in November, too! I love Belly Buds and think it is an amazing tool for pregnancy. I used to play Mozart and Bach to Ash in utero, and she did grow up liking that, and other, styles of music!
August 24, 2017These are pretty interesting. I have never seen them before nor had them around when I was pregnant.
August 25, 2017Back then there was no gadget like this. I just listened to music a lot when I was pregnant with my two kids.
Karen Morse
August 25, 2017That’s really nice! I’m sure expecting parents would appreciate this gadget. It’s good to expose kids to music as early as when they’re in their mom’s belly!
Jessica Joachim
August 25, 2017These are awesome! I used regular headphones when I was pregnant but I would have loved to have had these! It makes life so much easier for sure.
Melissa Dixon
August 25, 2017This is so great. When I was pregnant I played music for my daughter often and after she was born as well. It worked because she is a genius!
August 25, 2017Oh how fun! I know it’s really good for babies to hear voices of family members because they recognize them once they are born. These BellyBuds look like a great way to bond with baby in utero!
Stephanie Cox
August 25, 2017I have never seen or heard of these but I love the idea of them. We used lay my iPhone on my belly and play music to my little one when I was pregnant.
Kelly Hutchinson
August 25, 2017I had not heard of belly buds! These are so cool. I have a friend who is expecting. She would love these.
Jennifer G
August 25, 2017What an adorable idea! I wish I had these when I was pregnant with these two kiddos.
Up Run for Life
August 25, 2017Those are so neat. I think music calms them and they love hearing mamas voice.
Cindy Ingalls
August 25, 2017This is such a cool product. Playing music to your baby in the womb can help calm them and introduce them to some great artists.
August 25, 2017I’ve always wondered about using these!!! We’ve always thought about what babies hear and think about in the womb.
Debbie Savage
August 25, 2017The Belly Buds are so genius! Oh, how I wish this was available for my three kiddos back in the day! Honestly, the music is so powerful!
Sarah Bailey
August 26, 2017What an absolutely fab sounding gadget, how lovely to be able to play music and the like directly to your little on in the womb.
August 26, 2017This is so sweet! I would have loved to use these when I was pregnant with my now two year old daughter!
August 26, 2017After 7 full term pregnancies I can i’ve never seen these, but I wish I did. How cool are these? So fun, I will have to try them!
Renee @ The Good Hearted Woman
August 27, 2017We are a musical family, and I used to sing to my babies and play them music all the time before they were born. This is a great option for mamas who don’t want to walk around strumming a guitar next to their belly all day!
August 28, 2017Aww I love this so much! I love that you can do this and bond even more with your little one. I wish I had this when I was pregnant!
August 28, 2017Congrats! These are the coolest. If I ever have another baby, I am so getting these.
lydia Jean
August 29, 2017I find this so so interesting!! I never would’ve thought to do this but those articles make it seem so easy