Let’s face the facts, grocery shopping with kids is quite a challenge. Having to carry your little one while you shop around quickly gets exhausting. Yes, “babywearing” or “baby wraps” could help but still, it’s not the best idea or solution when you are trying to buy and pick up grocery items. Especially when you’re trying to shop for quite a lot.
Thankfully, Hubby and I don’t have to experience this kind of scenario. Why? Because we have the Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock to help get my shopping task taken care of — effortlessly!
Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock
Out of the 6 Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock designs available, we’ve chosen the Gray Triangles for our little one. Basically, it’s just like a regular hammock (made for babies) that you can attach to a shopping cart. It easily clips onto most carts and hangs elevated, so you have plenty of room for groceries. What I totally love about this hammock is that it can easily be folded or rolled up when not in use and fits perfectly in a purse or diaper bag. To top it all, infant car seats (weight capacity of 50 pounds) can also sit snugly inside this hammock and can be secured using the safety strap.
I can totally picture us using this shopping cart hammock real soon! November will be here in no time. Our little boy can get the relaxation he needs while we push the cart around. A total must-have for us, for moms and parents who do the grocery shopping with their babies.
Enjoying Shopping with Your Little One is POSSIBLE!
If you are concerned with the safety and security of your baby while they are in the hammock, Binxy Baby crafted their products with our little one in mind. They carefully tested every feature and included an infant carrier safety strap, secure seat harness, velcro strap, and a 2 layer upholstery weight fabric that guarantees peace of mind.
Ready to find out more? Check out the Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock directly from their website binxybaby.com

Joely Smith
August 9, 2017This is the coolest thing ever! So many awesome products for moms and little ones these days! If I ever have grandkids I am going to be so happy. Back when I was a mom to littles we had nothing like this!
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle
August 9, 2017This is the best idea ever! I wish this had been a thing when my kids were babies. It would have made life so much easier.
Mimi green
August 9, 2017It sounds helpful. It would be nice to actually have this product.
Karen Morse
August 9, 2017That’s really awesome! It will definitely make shopping easier for mommies and I love that it’s easy to take with you as well, not bulky at all. I’m sure a lot of moms will appreciate this one!
August 9, 2017I love this hammock! I wish it was around when I had a little one. It can be such a challenge navigating around a market with a baby.
Terri Steffes
August 9, 2017This is an adorable hammock. I am going to keep it on my list for future baby showers. Too cute!
Christy Maurer
August 9, 2017What a great way to keep baby comfy in the cart! That is a lot easier than lugging the car seat around for the cart.
August 9, 2017It was bound to be invented for babies with the hammock fad going on, I’m just sad I didn’t come up with this great idea to bank on ; ) I’ll have to share this with a few people I know with lil ones!
Joanna @ Everyday Made Fresh
August 9, 2017This is by far the most convenient thing ever invented. Seriously. I would have loved to have had this when my kids were babies.
Kelly Hutchinson
August 9, 2017This is such a smart product. I wish they had these when my kids were babies. This would make a great baby shower gift.
Vanessa Coppola
August 9, 2017I would have loved something like this when my kids were in the baby stage! Now I have a crazy toddler who likes to “help” push the cart lol!
August 9, 2017How cute! This will make grocery shopping easier. I wish this hammock was around when my kids were babies.
AnnMarie John
August 9, 2017Now this would have made my life more convenient when I had my kids! I think it’s awesome that there’s a carrier like this that you can put on your shopping cart. Also, I hope this helps stop parents from leaving their kids in hot cars!
August 10, 2017I’ve seen these hammocks in use recently and they look really cool!!! The babies always look really relaxed!!
August 10, 2017How cool is that! I totally would have gotten that when my kiddos were babies. I need to keep this in mind for a future baby shower gift idea!
Rachel Catherine
August 10, 2017This hammock seems like it could come in so helpful when you have a little one and need to go shopping. It looks really comfy too.
August 10, 2017This is so cool and I could have used this when my youngest was little. The car seat just takes up way too much room in the basket. Plus, it isn’t safe to put the car seat on top of the cart. I am guilty of doing it until I read an article where a baby got hurt. After that, I used my sling to carry him around until he was big enough to sit up by himself in the cart or I would leave him at home with daddy. Now, I cheat and order my groceries online.
Gabriel Bregg
August 10, 2017This would be very useful for the little ones. We always had to take two carts because of the size of our family, one was just for hauling kids around!
Amber Nelson
August 10, 2017Now this is a super awesome idea. I don’t have any little ones in my household, but my sister would like something like this. She has a little baby boy!
CIndy Ingalls
August 11, 2017This is such a great idea. It makes putting your baby in a cart so much easier and less stressful.
August 11, 2017What a cute hammock! Wish I had one when my son was a baby. Grocery shopping would have been much much easier!
August 11, 2017This is such a brilliant idea! I saw one of these in a grocery store cart and the baby was so peacefully sleeping.
Brittany @ Everyday Thoughts
August 12, 2017My little ones are too big for this now but my sister in law is expecting her first. I will have to share this with her because it will be perfect for when she takes the little one to the grocery store with her.
August 12, 2017Wow – innovation everywhere, huh?! Some new mothers really struggled and created such a fantastic solution. That is so cute!
Cassie Tucker
August 12, 2017This is such a great option for shopping with a baby! I have never been a fan of setting them in the back of the carts.
Journa Ramirez
August 14, 2017This idea is awesome. Great way to shop easier without making your child feel uncomfortable. I hope this is available in our country!
The Cubicle Chick
August 16, 2017This is too cute. I will have to get one of these for when I’m babysitting my god baby. He is a heavy one though. – yolonda