Currently, I am praying for extra work to help pay for my bills. LOL. Seriously though, a 7-day Mediterranean cruise with Norwegian Cruise Line and to celebrate my birthday on board would be super amazing. I’m pretty sure I’d be having the time of my life, except for my wallet. 🙂 I pretty much broke my piggy just for this trip. You all know how cheap I get, so a cruise is definitely a very huge thing for me. I am getting older (again) anyway so it’s justifiable that I spend some of my earnings to myself. Except I never have spent this much to myself so I feel guilty.
Celebrating My Birthday Aboard Norwegian Cruise Line

I know I’ve worked really hard and deserve to unwind [especially it’s my birthday] but in my honest opinion there’s just that little voice in my head that reminds me to work even harder to surpass my current best. Plus, I love what I do anyway. Love is actually an understatement. I suppose I will have no choice but stay away from the internet during the 7-day cruise as they charge by the second for their internet service and for 1 hour, the bill is whopping €25! Ugh.
Oh well, more opportunities to … take photos for my travel and food blog! Yea … I’m still thinking about my blogs. LOL. No, no, I am not workaholic … it’s hardly work. Well it is a lot of work when you have multiple blogs and social sites to manage. I swear I can borrow a couple hands and arms from the Hindu Deity for having 6, or from an octopus.
Thank you for reading my long rant.

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