When you have an excellent job, a great social life and family around you, it’s natural to want to expand your love to others in your life – it’s why people go on to have babies. If you don’t want to have children but you still want to put all of your love somewhere, then a dog is often the option that people go for. The thing is, if you have a full time job, you might be likely to worry about what happens to the dog when you are in the office.
Having a dog when you have a full time job isn’t easy but it’s doable if you know how to take care of them. From dog poop businesses who can come in and help you with the cleanup, to ensuring that you get to know a good local dog walker, you can make it easy to continue to care for a dog when you are working all the time. Below, we’ve put together a list of four tips that you need for caring for a dog while you work.
- Start with the right breed. You can leave your dog for a few hours per day but you need to make sure that you have the right breed at home first. This will ensure that you have the breed that will react well to being alone for a couple of hours at a time. Some dog breeds are naturally independent and other dog breeds will yap and bark if they don’t have company. Don’t buy a dog that will be too reliant to the point that they can’t be without you at all.
- Bring your dog to work. There are some companies that allow dogs to come to the office. Some dogs will only allow service dogs, but there are often policies so that you can bring your dog to work and ensure that both of you are happy and healthy. You can then manage walks and meals throughout the day.
- If you can, you’re going to be able to work from home and be with your dog, too. You can then schedule walks, cuddles and treats through the day so that your puppy is never alone and feeling sad. More companies are open to hybrid working environments which will allow you to work at home and have all the resources that you need.
- Schedule walks before and after work. If you expect that you are going to be in for a long day, you need to be sure that your dog is exercised before work. This will increase your chances that your dog will be able to relax throughout the day. Exercise is so important for your dog and the more they move, the happier they will be in the long run.
It’s fun to have a dog but don’t get one if you aren’t going to be able to look after it properly. You need to give your dog the right love and attention and that starts with ensuring that you get your ducks in a row before you buy one.
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