With technology offering ways to smarten our home — it gets daunting for many to choose what product to choose or purchase. With all honesty, the majority of the consumers prefer to upgrade little by little instead of upgrading their home all at once. For us, we also like to opt for the DIY approach and convert one part of our home before moving on to the next.
Today, we’ve decided to explore our options into making our outlets smarter with Amazon Echo Dot and Wemo Mini Wifi Smart Plug. With minimal steps to take, the home automation process went by like a breeze. For a family who is into technology, upgrading our home was an absolute joy for relatively little cost or any hassle.
Amazon Echo Dot
The Amazon Echo Dot is a brilliant “personal assistant” that’s made smaller, more compact but for a fraction of the cost. It is available for $44.99 at Best Buy and makes a great addition to every home. I mean, we spend more than that when dining out — so what’s not to love?
Wemo Mini Wifi Smart Plug
As far as automating our outlets, by adding Wemo, we can easily power up devices like power plugs, light switches, and other devices. It also offers “Away Mode” option to help control the lights in your home randomly — making it appear that someone is actually home. The Wemo mini wifi smart plug cost $34.99 and is also available at Best Buy.
What I love the most is that I can automate nearly any device in our home. By simply plugging a fan, lamp, or coffee maker into the WeMo Mini, we can have control over everything.
It’s as easy as …1, 2 and 3!
“Alexa, please schedule the lights to turn on at 6 p.m.”
“Alexa, turn on the nursery light.”
“Alexa, turn off the fan.”
“Alexa, turn on the Wemo.”
“Alexa, turn on the TV.”
… and my favorite of all “Alexa, play some baby/nursery music.”
Now it’s easier than ever to take charge of our outlets. I don’t even have to worry about tiptoeing in our nursery when I can just schedule a time for it to turn on and off … or use voice commands while I am busy cuddling or breastfeeding our little one.
If you’re looking for ways to smarten your home, I highly recommend checking out Amazon Echo Dot and Wemo Mini Wifi Smart Plug. Shop here » http://bby.me/me333

August 28, 2017I love these products that help you save time and energy in your home. My husband is a lighting engineer and we have a system he helped create in our home. We can turn lights on and off, control the thermostat, even have a kitchen sensor that turns the lights on when you walk into the kitchen, and turns off in 3 minutes if there is no movement.
August 28, 2017I’ve never heard of the Wemo.. I wonder if that we would work with my air conditioner unit. We have to run it all day when we’re not home because the apartment gets really hot in the late afternoon, before we get home. And we don’t want the animals to overheat. It would be great to have something that lets us turn it on before the apartment starts to heat up, without having to run it all day.
Karen Morse
August 28, 2017I definitely love the idea of being able to control the appliances in your home. It’s going to make life easier for sure. It’s always nice to save on energy, so this is perfect.
August 28, 2017It’s amazing all the different things they have out there! I’ve never heard of the Wemo but I have heard of the Echo Dot.
Joanna @ Everyday Made Fresh
August 28, 2017I have heard great things about both of these products, just today! I knew all about Echo, but the wemo was a new one. They both sound like they would be great.
Beth Davidson
August 28, 2017Cool! We have a new home and we’ve been discussing ways to make it “smart” so we’ll have to check this out.
Heather Johnson
August 28, 2017First, my son wants that lamp because he is obsessed with owls. Second, I love any product that helps save energy!
Claudia Krusch
August 28, 2017I need to pick up the Amazon Echo Dot and Wemo Mini Wifi Smart Plug. I have been hearing great reviews for them. I love your owl light.
ramon perry
August 28, 2017Thanks for sharing! I always love to see this type of new tech. This one opens up a new world of opportunities doesn’t it?
Tara Pittman
August 29, 2017This would be great during the holiday season. I could turn and off the lights fro, my phone.
hey sharonoox
August 29, 2017This Wemo smart plug sounds cool. I really like the idea of automated outlets when we’re away. Adding this to my shopping list!
Jessica Joachim
August 29, 2017This seems really cool. My husband is all about technology and wants to automate a lot of the house so I will have to send this to him to check out.
Kelly Hutchinson
August 29, 2017I have seen so much about the Echo Dot. I think I need to get this in m life pronto!
August 29, 2017We love our Amazon Dot but now I need to figure out this smart outlet! What an awesome way to upgrade your home.
August 29, 2017This plus is really cool. I have an Amazon Echo but I have not used it yet. I will definitely look into getting this plus. Thanks for the awesome review!
August 29, 2017The ability to connect outlets to the echo dots make me want to get them just for that alone. THey are definitely on my list.
AnnMarie John
August 29, 2017A smart home is always something that I’ve considered. I like the idea of being able to monitor my appliances. It’s going to help save on energy!
liz Cleland
August 29, 2017We got these for our home. Do you like yours??
Cynthia Nicoletti
August 29, 2017I love the Echo Dot. I didn’t realize how many accesories you can purchase to work with it.
Terri Steffes
August 29, 2017We love the echo and have several dots around the house. It is a good thing and probably the sign of what we can expect in the future!
August 29, 2017Yet another great post from a blogger about the Amazon Echo options and benefits. Yup – totally need this on my Christmas list this year.
August 29, 2017I was actually looking to buy the Amazon Echo as it seems very useful. But that wifi plug looks interesting – never saw that before!
Cindy Ingalls
August 29, 2017This is such a helpful tool. I like the idea of being able to connect to my lights or other electrical powered items remotely.
Amber Nelson
August 29, 2017I would love to get one of those. I am so behind on technology. but this actually looks like something I could do.
Ayana Pitterson
August 29, 2017Wow! I have been seeing these things, but this is the first time I have actually read about what exactly they do. I love this! Thanks for sharing.
August 29, 2017Ooh this looks amazing. I’m not a huge techy person and I know that both of these are super easy to use! I could use them both easy!
Reesa Lewandowski
August 29, 2017We have an Alexa and love it. I am intrigued by this wifi connected outlet! I need to look into that!
Stephanie Pass
August 29, 2017We have some smart home technology like light bulbs we can change colors with an app and turn on and off. But, this looks really cool. I’m thinking I’d love an Amazon Echo.
August 30, 2017I have heard so many great things about Amazon Echo Dot but haven’t had a chance to try it yet. It’s amazing how this tiny gadget can do so many things and save you some money too!
August 30, 2017This is awesome! It’s like an updated version of “clap on, clap off!” Technology is so great and it’s been fun watching how we can make our homes better and smarter.
Emily Morton
August 30, 2017We have seriously considered investing in something like this! I love how simple it seems to be!
August 30, 2017I have heard so much about the Amazon Echo and Dot recently. The connected smart outlet looks awesome, I never heard of it before! I’m definitely going to have to go and check it out! Thanks for sharing!
August 30, 2017These both sound like awesome products! I love how easy it is to keep home working properly with tech – it makes life so much easier!
Mardene Carr
August 31, 2017This is a great thing to have especially for persons who travel a lot and don’t want to get a house sitter
September 1, 2017I have never used the Amazon Echo Dot before, but I keep hearing a lot about it. It sounds like a pretty nifty device!
John F
September 2, 2017Interesting post, I was look for an honest view of Alexa so this was really useful. The smart plug is a great idea for lights, I might to get some of those.