The summer months are leaving us behind and the winter is nipping at our toes. This might sound like a great time to shut the doors and forget about the outside world. However, this is the time of the year to get ready for winter and this is what you need to do to prepare for the bad weather.
Get rid of the summer dirt
Let’s be honest with ourselves, the outside of our homes don’t get cleaned the same way as the inside. So, you need to get a tram in to get it a good clean to stop the summer dust and dirt from causing issues during the winter. All Clean Pressure Washing can remove all of the grime that is left behind from the summer without the need for chemicals. Once you see it being done, you will be shocked at the level of dirt that is removed from your patio and deck.
Pack away the furniture
The weather is getting harsher every year so it isn’t the best idea to leave the garden furniture out in all weathers. If you can stories somewhere such as a garage or a shed. If you can’t, you might need to ensure that it is tied down and covered. There have been plenty of stories going around about garden furniture making an escape during high winds so you need to think about getting it secure in the garden.
Pull dead plants
The summer heat might have fried a lot of different plants in your garden, now is the time of the year where it is a good time to pull all of those dead plants. They can be added to a compost heap and made into compost for the new plants in the spring. If you have large plants and trees that need a trim, now is the time to do it before the cold weather sets in. If you leave it too late, any trimming to the plant might kill it in the cold weather so be mindful before trimming.
Pack away toys
In the same vein as the garden furniture, you need to pack away the garden toys. First of all, the kids are not going to be using their sandpit during the winter and it will get ruined out in the harsh weather. Second, the trampolines of the world have a habit of escaping if they are not secured in the garden. If you can, take it down and store everything away until the weather turns again. Not only will you save yourself the horror of having to chase a child’s toy down the street, but you will also get longer out of them by protecting them from the elements.
As you can see, there are a few simple ways that you can change your garden and make it better for the winter months. All of these ideas are simple but will be highly beneficial to you and your family during the winter for year after year.

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