Getting help as a parent can feel like an impossible task. When you’re caught up in your own life, looking after your baby, it seems as though you have to shoulder every burden. You need to juggle work and being a mom – you need to cook, tidy the house; do absolutely everything by yourself. It rarely crosses your mind to think about asking for help as you assume that everyone else is capable of handling their lives, so why can’t you?
Realistically, every parent needs and will ask for help. Don’t avoid it; it can help you deal with so much parental stress. To help you out, here are three simple ways to get assistance as a parent:
Ask your family for a helping hand
Go to your parents or siblings and see if they will help you with anything. Your parents will always be eager to support you, especially if it means spending time with their grandchildren. Even if you ask them to babysit once a week, it can lift a massive load off your shoulders. The extra hours you get can be used to tidy the home or just relax a little bit.
Babysitting isn’t all they can help with – you could ask them to go shopping for you. Your family loves you and knows how hard life is when you become a parent. They are more than happy to lend a helping hand, so don’t be afraid to ask.
Join a support group
If you need some emotional help and support, there are groups out there to provide it. Places like Embrace Grace have been created for single mothers, mothers of unexpected babies, fathers, and so on.
Finding a support group in your local area can be a massive thing for you. Here, it gives you a chance to share your experiences and worries with other parents. You get advice and help from people who have been through the same stuff you’re going through. This gives so much emotional support and can help you feel less like you’re fighting a battle on your own.
Hire a nanny
The last tip is to think about hiring a nanny. Yes, this isn’t possible for a lot of people. I totally understand that your finances may not allow you to do this. Don’t worry, the first two tips will ensure you get more than enough support for free.
Think of this as a bonus idea! If you can afford a nanny, they will help you so much. They can take care of many tasks around the house while you can work or do other things. If you need them to hold the baby and look after them for a bit, they will. It lightens the load on your shoulders while ensuring your child still gets all the care and attention it needs.
The moral of the story is to never shy away from help as a mother. It doesn’t make you weak or any less of a mom – it just makes you a clever human being who cares for their own health. You’ve seen three ways of getting assistance, so please make sure you try them!

Sereda Angelica
May 26, 2022I was just having this conversation with a friend. I think we have isolated ourselves a lot as a society and asking for help is sometimes considered weak. Nothing could be further from the truth and it truly does take a village to raise children.
Gervin Khan
May 26, 2022This is essential to parenthood as we start to be in this situation, there are so many things we don’t know. Seeking help is great and don’t be ashamed, it’s just normal. I like to be hands-on at this stage of my life so the first two will be my prior option.
jen schreiner
May 26, 2022I tried to do it all with my two kids (14 months apart) and got burned out so fast. Take the help, when you can get it, and absolutely do not be afraid to hire help. It is worth every penny. Your kiddos need a mommy who is present with them.
May 26, 2022I think every mom needs to read this and really take it in. There is NOTHING wrong with asking for help!
Exodus Public Adjusters
May 26, 2022These are great ideas. I went to Midwife 360 in South Florida and my midwife is always there for me with any question I have.
Ntensibe Edgar
May 26, 2022Yyaaayyy! This is very accurate and heart-warming. We need as many parents as possible asking for help.
Jennifer L Prince
May 26, 2022A support group is so important. My mom’s group was vital when I had littles in the house. It’s a must!
May 26, 2022I found that what really helped us is a support group! We found them online, local moms/dads with young children. We scheduled meetups and other events. It made a big difference!
Nayna Kanabar
May 26, 2022It’s difficult being a new mum, its tiring and asking for help is something a lot of new mums are hesitant to do . But there are family, friends and also healthcare who offer help and taking the help is beneficial so new mums should not feel bad doing so,
May 27, 2022Glad to have read this! Found this really helpful, thank you.
May 27, 2022I was wishing I could hire a nanny for my daughter. She has two under three at home and she is tired.
May 27, 2022These are great ways to get some help. I really struggled as a new mom, and we didn’t have family help, and unfortunately we did not have the money to hire help or other support. I think it is good to network with other moms because being a new parent can be so isolating.
May 29, 2022I agree with all the 3 ways mentioned and I always ask for my families help.
May 30, 2022I cannot imagine doing everything by yourself without any help while raising a baby. That is why I have the outmost respect to all moms out there especially the single ones.