Hearing a baby’s heartbeat for the very first time is truly priceless. It’s one of the most indescribable moment that any parent would want to cherish forever. It’s a significant milestone that you would wish to experience over and over again.
Right now, the only way to hear our baby’s heartbeat is via an ultrasound appointment. Although it’s an easy process, it’s quite costly (if not covered by insurance), and our OB-GYN won’t allow us to undergo multiple ultrasounds just to hear our baby’s heartbeat whenever we please. To date, we are able to hear our little one’s heartbeat every 4 weeks, and the days seem so long when it comes to this matter.
Good thing some apps and gadgets can capture, save and record our baby’s heartbeat so we can listen to it at will. One of the best out there that can do exactly what we’re looking for is My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear.
My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear is one of a kind, huggable and adorable stuffed animal with a “recording heart”. It can be used to record the baby’s heartbeat during an ultrasound appointment so you can hear it again whenever and wherever you want. With this, your other family members, friends, and relatives can also listen to the miracle of life that is inside your womb.
I tried and tested one of many My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear’s designs – the elephant. Based on my experience, it’s quite easy and straightforward to use. Just take the recorder to your ultrasound appointment and tell your tech that you are going to record your baby’s heartbeat. Pull the tag, switch the button to record, and squeeze the heart to start recording the baby’s heartbeat. After the recording is done, switch the button to play back and then place it inside the Velcro pocket of the stuffed animal (in my case it’s the elephant). And if you want to hear the recorded heartbeat, just give the stuffed animal’s tummy a gentle squeeze. Press it again for the sound to stop or wait for 20 seconds for it to automatically go off afterward.
My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear comes in different styles and colors. As far as the design, my original choice is the vintage elephant, but I ended up with the other elephant design due to confusion. This other style reminds me of a mouse instead of an elephant. Other than that there are no other complaints on my end. There’s a lot of design to choose from such as bears, animals like giraffe, sloth and even a unicorn! There are also ones being sold with a gender reveal kit which is truly cute! With all honesty, this is such an amazing gift for expecting moms, parents to be, most especially for soon to be grandparents and even for husbands (who are deployed) or are living far away from their wives during their pregnancy.

August 31, 2017I’ve never heard of this device before,but I want 3 please! there nothing more cute that hearing a littlens heartbeat!
this can also be a great gift I can imagine.
Life as Mum
August 31, 2017Oh wow this sounds amazing. Such a sentimental item. I would have loved this.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle
August 31, 2017OMG, that is the sweetest thing! So many cool baby things have come out since my babies STOPPED being babies. =(
Bill Sweeney
August 31, 2017I can’t believe they can put a heartbeat inside a teddy bear. They never had ANYTHING like that when my kids were babies. I wish I’d been able to do something like this.
Ana De- Jesus
August 31, 2017My cousin is pregnant and has a heartbeat bear and I think it is the cutest thing ever. What a great way of documenting the memory of your baby’s heartbeat x
August 31, 2017Wow what an amazing special gift for mums this will deffo sell in massive quantities. So cute :)x
Joely Smith
August 31, 2017OMGEEE this is SO cute and so awesome! I love what tech is offering to new mommies these days! I wish I could go back in time and have them for both my kids!
August 31, 2017These sound lovely. I love the idea that the baby’s heart beat can be recorded and hear by the baby when born.
August 31, 2017No way! I totally wish I could have done this with each of my children – what a beautiful keepsake!
September 1, 2017I agree, hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is very precious. I had a scare with my second pregnancy back then. We didn’t get to hear his heartbeat until he was 4 months.
Rhian Westbury
September 1, 2017That’s such a nice idea and really unique. It must give you such assurance just hearing the heartbeat x
September 1, 2017I never knew about it. Such a great idea to record the baby’s heartbeat!
Nancy at Whispered Inspirations
September 1, 2017I love this idea! It is so amazing that you can put your babies heartbeat into something that you can keep forever! They are SO cute too. They would make a great babyshower gift.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy
September 1, 2017I love this idea. What a sweet gift for a pregnant friend. I know my baby’s heartbeat was the coolest thing about going for an ultrasound when pregnant!
Stephanie Merry
September 1, 2017What a great idea! I’ve not heard of one of these before, but what a lovely way to be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat whenever you want x
Chubskulit Rose
September 1, 2017Oh the joys and excitement of becoming a parent, isn’t it amazing! That is one cool concept, I wish I could have gotten one when I got pregnant.
Rebecca Smith
September 1, 2017Oh wow what a lovely keepsake to have! Wish I’d known about this with my children
Alicia Trautwein
September 1, 2017These are so cute! I have a little heart of our son’s heartbeat. It is an amazing keepsake!
Baby Isabella
September 1, 2017We’ve never heard of anything like this! That’s such a good idea to record the baby’s heartbeat during an ultrasound appointment!
September 1, 2017What a lovely product! This would make a very special gift. I have never heard of this before and I wish it had been around when I had kids.
September 1, 2017Aww, this is such a wonderful idea! I wish there had been something like this available when I was pregnant with my two 🙂
Louise x
Annie B
September 2, 2017I’m not a mum yet but this going to be on my shopping list… in fact I wonder if it might work for the puppy I’m getting?!
Jemma @ Celery and Cupcakes
September 2, 2017Oh wow what a lovely idea, hearing your baby’s heartbeat is so special. This would make a wonderful gift 🙂
Jess | The Indigo Hours
September 2, 2017Oh my goodness this is adorable and would make such a lovely gift for expectant parents, as you say! I love the elephant you chose, too 🙂
September 2, 2017This is such a great gift for new parents. The heartbeat of the Mom is such a reassuring sound for a baby. It is amazing, how technology has improved the lift of parents.
September 2, 2017didn’t know such thing exists! this is such a unique and cute keepsake. so beautiful
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly
September 2, 2017What a sweet gift for any expecting mom for their new little, looks super cuddly and sweet! 🙂
Sarah Ann
September 2, 2017This is such a beautiful idea. Holds so much sentimental value.
Candice nikeia
September 3, 2017Wow! This is seriously incredible! Technology is growing so fast! This would make a great gift!
September 4, 2017Well this is a new concept since I had my babies. I imagine it is a lovely keepsake, and very sentimental.
September 4, 2017This is so cute! And such a great gift idea for expecting parents too! My friend just found out she was pregnant last week, so I’m definitely going to get her one of these!
September 11, 2017What a lovely idea – so special and personal. My mum would have loved one of these when she was pregnant with my little brother.