Quite a long one, but a much-needed-update ⤵
Recently, I haven’t been able to update my blog nor my social accounts. It sure isn’t for the lack of updates to share. It just so happens that a lot of things transpired in such a short time. Truth of the matter here, it’s been overwhelming AND I honestly don’t know how to handle nor juggle it all properly.
If you’re in my personal Facebook account, you’d have a bit of an idea that this is related with my pregnancy. The 30th of December is my husband’s Birthday AND our Wedding Anniversary. That was also the day that I had to be transported to the hospital by an ambulance because I couldn’t bear the contraction pain which was 10-15 minutes apart. But since I was only 36 weeks, they didn’t want to admit or induce. I was 3cm and only progressed to 4cm after a few hours so they discharged us to go home. That unless my contractions is 5 minutes apart or my water breaks, that I can stay home. It was a surprise, but that’s their standard.
Well … the following day I was back again —because the pain is much stronger. I personally counted my contractions to be 8-10 minutes apart. I was worried. With my pregnancy with Josiah King, I had weird pains too and ended up giving birth 10 days early. I was being very cautious too. Especially we live half hour away from the military hospital. This time around I was definitely 4cm (-2) and 60%+ effaced. But still got sent home. Definitely NOT how I pictured ending the year or welcoming the new year.
By January 5th I’ve been to L&D again since I am hyper vigilant with my pain. I know for a fact my contractions are about 6-8 minutes apart. They monitored it in the machine and said “well the machine isn’t picking up all of your contractions” despite seeing how rock hard my belly gets. They didn’t check for anything else since I was scheduled for an OB appointment the following day. To cut the story short, I got discharged once again and this time with a belly band support. Great. At 37 weeks mark. So January 6th I am there once more and I informed the docs with all of my concerns and my previous delivery complications. I even mentioned Group B Strep, Gestational Diabetes, etc. Not much had changed. My follow up OB appointment was supposed to be a week after, but there was no availability at the military hospital so they scheduled me for the 16th. I wasn’t thrilled about it but it is what it is. They weren’t worried about anything else they said. Unless I go over 40 weeks then they’ll consider stripping my membranes and possibly inducing.
Fast forward to January 12th and I was feeling extremely exhausted already. I called it in and was told to come in ONCE I am sure it is 5 minutes apart or my water has broken. By night time it started getting close to that mark. But I also didn’t want to wake up our toddler, have him be restless and risk getting sent home again. I weathered it out through the night. I could barely sleep. By 5am I am sure. Yet, I was like, I can hold off another hour to let our son get a little more rest. They kept sending me home anyway, and I managed to stay strong. What’s another hour of pain? I’d sacrifice that for our son.
Things are about to change in our household, so I want to keep things as normal as possible —things we do as parents right? That was that. Everything really did change afterwards. In a way that would never cross my mind. On the way to the hospital my contractions were 4 minutes apart. By 9:15 am we made it to the hospital. They verified that my contraction count was correct and checked how much I progressed. I was already 5-6cm (-1), 90% effaced and quickly dropped my contractions to 3 minutes apart. They had the anesthesiologists on standby for an epidural. The only thing is that they had to wait for my labs to come back first. By then, true labor had already set in. Contractions were a minute apart. The pain was unbearable. My midwife worked hard to coach and assist us through it all. We almost didn’t make it to getting an epidural. A few minutes after getting it, my water broke —on its own. No assistance needed. By 12 noon we started pushing. About an hour later we welcomed our champion into this world. Daddy was ready to cut his umbilical cord … but the doctors had to quickly intervene. No cord cutting. No placement in our arms, nor in my chest. I didn’t get a chance to hold him. Not even a touch. I didn’t get a chance to see him. Not even a glimpse. I was mortified. I kept asking how he is … all I could mutter to my husband is to check on our son. I asked “Why is He not crying???” … “They’re working on him” —I was frantic. I kept telling my husband to go and stay with our son, he insisted he wanted to stay by my side. While they were working on me, all I want was to find out how he is. My midwife was like “Let’s focus on you, I am here to make sure you are okay. We have a pediatrician and a whole team for your son.” —I couldn’t process what was happening. I couldn’t help but cry at this point. I started shivering. I spiked a fever of 102. Pain all of a sudden took over. It took a bit to get me back to feeling normal and coherent. One thing is for sure, nothing can prepare you to that feeling of not having your baby around you or beside you after giving birth. What made matters worst is having to say to your husband “it’s okay, you have to go … I’ll be fine.” so he can pick up our toddler because our emergency contact ended up being sick. If he had a choice, I can tell he would rather stay. Especially I had to keep pushing him to leave my side just so he can follow up with the other team of doctors working with our son.
Later on, my husband left to pick up our toddler. I was just waiting for the time that I can finally see our newborn. I kept asking to be wheeled into the nursery. Not minding anything else. I didn’t realize that my blood pressure was quite low and that I am already anemic. My fever was coming back up. My bladder was so full I had to get a second straight catheter. The situation obviously delayed things further. Hours had passed. About quarter after 5 pm when I finally had the opportunity. I can tell you it wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t ideal. It was definitely painful to see your little one hooked up to a bunch of cords, wires, and big machines. If I could take it all away and exchange places with him —I would. But I can also share that it was also pure delight to finally get that chance to touch him. Glide my fingers in his skin.
That moment that he gripped one of my fingers with his small hands, it was priceless and heavenly. Except those moments of joy didn’t last for very long. The doctor who was working on him did not feel comfortable leaving for the rest of the night knowing that they aren’t fully equipped handling certain emergency cases for newborns. Thus, having the need to transfer him to a Sunrise Children’s Hospital for having a Level III, Neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU). The thought that I’d be cradling our little boy very soon quickly diminished and were replaced with more uncertainty and fear. By 8pm the transport team arrived. My husband got back just in time with our toddler so he can take a “peek” of his little brother. From a distance.
Before you know it, hubby had to leave to arrange a sleep over care for our son, then head to the other hospital. No words can describe how it felt being all alone that night. I fell asleep for 3 and half hours. That was it. Despite not having sleep the prior night for having contractions at home. I suppose no mother can really sleep soundly despite just giving birth when your child has been taken away from you. My heart just couldn’t take it. My mind couldn’t process any of it. As soon as the early morning doctors have taken their rounds I have requested to be discharged. They all pointed out that not even 24-hours had passed. That I was supposed to stay at least 48-hours and that they wanted to make sure my fever doesn’t come back, and so on. I was determined. That was my only goal. To be discharged so I can go to the other hospital and be there for our newborn. Discharge paperwork were finalized around noon. Shortly after, I made it to the NICU with my husband.
So far they have mentioned that our little one will be staying for at least 14 days in the NICU. We also had to give consent for a spinal tap and we’re just waiting for the result before the doctors can give an actual diagnosis. At this point it’s now a matter of waiting and taking everything day by day.
For the prayer warriors … please include our son Hezekiah Champ Bethea and our family in your prayers. We would truly appreciate it! Thank you in advance.
PS: I will continuously update this blog post whenever we receive any news from the doctors to keep everyone up to date how our little Champ is doing.
January 15, 2020Oh my goodness, now that is a so scary! My nephew was just born on the same day and they sent her home a few times too. I guess they dont care that people are in labor. It must be because of the insurance companies.
January 27, 2020I hope your little angel is healthy and can be home soon! He is such an adorable little guy!
January 15, 2020Oh wow. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of this!
January 15, 2020First off, congratulations on the birth of your son. I hope he is doing well. What a long and harrowing experience. I couldn’t imagine going through labor pain for that many days.
January 16, 2020That must be one long night of pain. I’ve had my 2 daughters through C-section so I was in anesthesia all the time. I couldn’t imagine the pain you’ve gone through.
January 16, 2020Thank you for this update! You are a tough mama! It’s every parent’s nightmare not to hold her baby after giving birth. Sending my prayers for son and your family.
Chelsea sauve - wandure
January 16, 2020Oh my goodness this sounds horribly traumatic. We always know our bodies best – the best doctors listen to our own concerns. I hope that you and your baby are both in good health and at home together! Sending good energy.
January 16, 2020What an absolute rollercoaster for all of you & I’m so sorry to read this. Lots of love to you & yours.
A Chronic Voice
January 16, 2020That sounds like such a harrowing, painful, and scary experience. Definitely take all the time you need before returning to blogging, and sending you well wishes and good thoughts for your whole family.
Sim @ SIm's life
January 16, 2020Oh chick. I am so sorry you had to go through all that, it really is never nice when they send you away in so much pain and worry. However, your little man is here and both of you look gorgeous! I hope you are getting lots of rest! Sim x
Trent peek
January 16, 2020Wow, I can’t even imagine on how I would deal with this situation. Thank you for sharing your story.
January 16, 2020I don’t know what to say, what a tiring but also fulfilling experience. And I love how you’re living in the moment, amazing and well done.
Myrah Duque
January 16, 2020Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous Champ! It’s definitely a difficult situation, one that we are never ready for. I will keep the Champ and your family in my prayers. I’m sure he will be home very soon!
January 16, 2020I’m so sorry to hear how difficult this birthing experience has been. I hope that your baby is doing okay. Post an update when you’re ready, will be thinking of you.
January 16, 2020That is horrible to read, I am sorry you had to go through something like this. They should have noticed that something was wrong. Are you ok? Is your baby ok?
Joy Della Vita
January 16, 2020Oh my, what happened next? How is your son now, may I ask?
Eileen M Loya
January 16, 2020Sending you virtual hugs during this difficult time. Please stay strong and keep the faith. Your baby boy is so beautiful. Trust in God that you will be able to take him home with you soon.
the Curious Pixie
January 16, 2020Oh gosh you went through such an awful experience. How you are ok and sending you hugs.
Rebecca Smith
January 16, 2020Congratulations on the birth of your little one. It sounds like the last few weeks and the birth were quite stressful and intense. He’s gorgeous,
January 16, 2020I hope everything will be okay with your son. And congrats, he looks so cute.
Rhian westbury
January 16, 2020wow what an eventful few weeks you’ve had, but congratulations on the birth of your baby. it must have been tough to be away from him but you have to look after yourself as well and your husband would have done a great job x
January 17, 2020I can imagine how you felt not having a baby around you after giving a birth. Thanks for sharing your story!
January 17, 2020I am a great fan of your blog, Though there wasn’t an update from a long time. I missed your blogs.
Thanks for the headsup.
Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
January 17, 2020Oh my goodness, what a long journey you have been on over the last few weeks with the labour and delivery of your son. I hope that you are both recovering well now.
Cassie Mayers
January 17, 2020Sounds like such a tough time, but I really hope everything is okay now. I couldn’t hold Lily for the first few moments because both my arms had lost movement, So they had to get me into a position that she could be layed on me. And those few moments were horrible as all I wanted was her. So i can image how horrible it much be to go with out even longer.
Elizabeth Williams
January 17, 2020Wow sounds like quite an ordeal you’ve been through. I can only imagine how terrifying and horrible it just be to not see it hold your baby after labour. Hope you are now both doing well.
Kara Guppy
January 18, 2020Congratulations, looks like he gave you a bit of a shock but hope he is on the mend now. I was with my daughter when she had her baby last month and she had a rough time too
Natasha Mairs
January 19, 2020On my! What a nightmare. I would have been in such a panic. I hope both you and your little baby are both ok and doing fine now
January 23, 2020Congratulations! The same happened to a friend of mine. They kept sending her home until it was too late for her to have the epidural :/ Hezekiah is a beautiful name and I wish you all the best to you and your family. It must’ve been traumatising when he didn’t cry at first.
Kathy Kenny Ngo
January 23, 2020Reading this is giving me the chills as I am about to give birth anytime now. Glad you both made it and that was truly harrowing. Praying for your little one.
January 27, 2020Incredible blog post. So beautiful. He is so precious. I love how you documented his birth. Just beautiful.
Lisa Joy Thompson
January 27, 2020Oh my goodness! How scary!!! I’m so sorry to read this! I will be praying for you all!!!
Tara Pittman
January 27, 2020I bet it was the best thing when they placed your baby into your arms. This sounded awful for your family to have to deal with.
January 27, 2020I’m so sorry that you guys have been going through so much. Your beautiful baby boy will be in our prayers!
January 27, 2020Oh my gosh, I hope everything is okay. I’m so happy your little guy is here with you, but I wish it were under better circumstances.
January 27, 2020Such a scary time! Glad you are okay and I hope there is a diagnosis soon for you.
Fatima Torres
January 27, 2020Stay strong, mama. You’ve got this. Excited to see your little one’s progressl
January 27, 2020Congrats on your sweet baby. As a mom of 3 NICU babies, I know your heart is breaking. Huge hugs and lots of rest and healing for both you and baby.
Katherine Bartlett
January 27, 2020Oh he is so beautiful! Congratulations on your new baby!
Celebrate Woman Today
January 27, 2020What a wonder and a Champ he is! Wishing you the best of rest and recovery, Angela. All is well, step-by-step. Hugs to you, tight-tight!
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
January 27, 2020Keeping you, your family and your beautiful baby Hezekiah in my prayers. Stay strong for him and trust in God. He will be well. Hugs to you, Angela.
momi berlin
January 27, 2020i could sense the real love and care here. and i could also feel the huge hope you have. i can say all the comforting words to keep that hope but perhaps we should celebrate happiness because God has given you your little man. Congratulations!
January 27, 2020I am so sorry that you had to go though this!
Olya Aman
January 28, 2020You do a good job writing about things like that. I’m sure it helps many people. It for sure made me think about things.
Ruth I
January 28, 2020Motherhood is the most beautiful gift a girl to have. It is going to change your life in a lot of aspects. Congratulations.
Ntensibe Edgar Michael
January 28, 2020Yyyaaayyyyyyy! Our person is already with us, the living! I am so glad to hear you both made it and we are counting down the moments before we can see him without the breathing supports on him. Please do keep me updated, Angela.
Jessica Collazo
January 28, 2020OMG I hope you little angel gets better. And please get rid of that emergency contact… You guys are so brave.
Matt Taylor
January 28, 2020Thank you for sharing this touching birth story. Will definitely include Hezekiah and family in my prayers.
January 28, 2020I wish you strength to go through this and i do hope that after 14 days your little boy will be able to go home with you.
Amber Hurley
January 28, 2020Oh my goodness that’s insane!! So glad everything went okay though!
Fiona Cambouropoulos
January 28, 2020Goodness what a journey, I’m so sorry you have gone through all this and still dealing with it all, Congratulations on your lovely boy, I hope everything workds out for you.
Erik the Hungry Traveller
January 28, 2020Oh my a lot of events happened on one single day. What you went through was tough. I’m glad it’s a bit better now.
Emman Damian
January 29, 2020Congratulations on your little angel! It’s a difficult situation but I’m glad that everything will go well. I wish you and your baby well.
January 29, 2020First congrats on your new baby boy! I am so happy you named his middle name Champ because that is exactly what he is! Welcome to the world!
January 29, 2020Congratulations on the baby! My youngest daughter was born when I was 37 weeks. That moment when they grip your finger for the first time is everything!
Lisa fucci
January 29, 2020Praying a full and speedy recovery for both momma and baby!!! Congratulations on your new son!!! Prayers for comfort.
February 1, 2020Birth is such an amazing but frightening thing. So much can go wrong in a blink of an eye and nothing is ever predictable. So glad you were both okay and congratulations!
February 2, 2020You are a very strong and tough momma. Congratulations on birth. Healing and hugs for your baby. I hope God keeps him happy and blessed always.
February 3, 2020Congratulations on your new baby. I know the stress of a NICU stay, my twins were in for 3.5 months.