Well then … here we are almost at the end of the year. How are things on your side? I honestly wonder how everyone is dealing with this pandemic.
For us, without sugar-coating anything, I am quite overwhelmed and can’t wait for things to start looking up. I can’t help but feel our kids are missing out on crucial and also meaningful ways to socialize. While both kids are still too young to be in school, they are still able to learn and gain a lot just by attending karate, swim, or even music classes. The same aspect applies when spending time with friends, family members, and exposure in our community. It is very stressful. This time is challenging for everyone, but it is undoubtedly more difficult for so many parents. With much luck, we have managed to find age-appropriate classes, resources, and activities online to participate in and enjoy together.
Of course, these online activities are very much reliant on the internet. That’s one thing that makes me sad though, I know many other parents, including personal friends, who struggle with this particular situation because they don’t have reliable connectivity. To address this ever-growing concern, T-Mobile has launched a new project to help families –Project 10Million, delivering internet connectivity to millions of underserved (student) households at no cost to them. This specific project is very near and dear to my heart, as is any other related to children because I truly believe all kids deserve the opportunity to thrive and learn.
These days, there’s no 9-to-5. There’s no set time for going to school, having a break, getting naps, and so on. While there’s no fixed hour to an individual activity, I make sure that every day our son Josiah King, and I get to spend time checking out different online programs. That’s because kids thrive the most with routines. Especially if it is something they find entertaining and genuinely enjoy, then they look forward to repeating the same task. His favorite, in particular, is ABCMouse early learning academic curriculum. It’s a great resource to teach kids that fall in the age group of PreK through second grade (2 – 8+). Then we would also watch and follow along with some workout videos for his at-home “Physical Education” activity. We also utilize coloring pages and workbooks that we can conveniently print as needed.
On that note, have you ever felt strongly about any project? That’s how I think about Project 10Million. Just in case you aren’t aware, even before the pandemic, there were more than 9 million of America’s 56 million school-age kids who did not have any access to reliable internet. Now, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s an unprecedented 50 million students who are currently learning remotely. As heartbreaking as it is, those without reliable internet connectivity face an even more significant schoolwork gap as they cannot participate in any online classroom learning. In early September, T-Mobile officially launched Project 10Million, an unprecedented $10.7B initiative to address the persistent homework gap experienced by more than 9 million children across the country who cannot get online to complete at-home assignments. Through school districts, Project 10Million offers free wireless hotspots, up to 100GB per year of free high-speed data, and access to at-cost tablets and laptops, or the equivalent value of approximately $500 annually per student household.
Bonus: T-Mobile Tuesdays has also offered online kids educational platforms for a FREE time period in previous weeks.

October 27, 2020I love that you’re spreading the word about this. Kids can’t learn effectively if they don’t have access to the digital tools they need.
Matt Taylor
November 6, 2020Agreed, Ben! It is so awesome that there are so many digital tools available for kids for learning. Where would we have been 20 years ago if this pandemic happened then.
October 27, 2020I love Project 10Million. I love that they’re helping children get the education they deserve by providing them with the connectivity that they need.
Matt Taylor
October 27, 2020Looks like quite the little workstation you have there. I can’t imagine what we all would have done if this happened in the mid 90s when the Internet was still really new. So glad for technological advances! That looks like such a great program for helping people without the Internet.
October 27, 2020Connectivity is absolutely vital today, and I think it’s terrible that so many kids don’t have access to it. I love what this organization is doing.
Tara Pittman
October 27, 2020That is a great reuse of a crib. I have an old crib in the garage and need to make it into a desk
October 27, 2020While I’m very sorry that you’re dealing with the challenges that have come along with this pandemic and the kids being home nonstop without socialization – I think it’s wonderful that you’re finding ways to make the most of it. And I also appreciate your sharing about Project 10Million. I spent some time reading about it and I’m glad that T-Mobile is doing so much to help!
Ryan Escat
November 7, 2020This is such a great news. SO many students weren’t able to have a reliable internet. So glad T-Mobile is so helpful.
Janeane M Davis
October 27, 2020This sounds like a great project. It is important for people to have good and reliable internet connections. in order to do school work,, work from home, and enjoy life.
Kita Bryant
October 27, 2020It is crazy what kinds of things kids these days have access to. The world really is theirs and knowledge is more available than ever.
October 27, 2020Fortunately, there is that Project 10Million to support those who have reliable connectivity issues. Else, the kids will not only miss the social part but the education, too during this pandemic.
October 27, 2020What a great project put out by T mobile! It makes me love them even more!
Gervin Khan
October 27, 2020As we live through digital age, this is inevitable. But always remember to guide our kid’s in every possible way we can as this is a very essential to their well being. Connectivity and internet is the norm nowadays and we should make good use of this technology in their benefits.
Gervin Khan
October 28, 2020What a great initiative of T- mobile company and this will definitely give a big help to those children who are in need.
October 28, 2020It is really upsetting to here how many people are struggling through tech poverty in these hard times. I am glad to hear that Project 10Million making a strong impact to those affected communities. Everyone should have a right to an education x
Nikki Wayne
October 28, 2020This year is really sad but at least we do have internet right. Great article
Ryan Escat
October 28, 2020Even though, there’s no cure yet. I still find our gen lucky enough that we have different options with the use of internet
Marie Phillips
October 28, 2020I agree that routine is so important for kids to thrive. And I love ABC Mouse! it is so good for kids. And Project 10 Million is an amazing program!!!!
October 28, 2020This time is certainly difficult for so many parents. Encourage kids to write thank you notes to important people in their lives, without the receipt of a gift. It is a powerful activity for them to connect with their loved ones in a deeply meaningful way.
Vera Ida
October 28, 2020It’s important that kids compose and handwrite the notes themselves, and we as parents can set the example by making sure to write thank-you notes on a variety of occasions
Aliya Gulamhusein
October 28, 2020What a really great initiative. I think its so important we help one another during this time.
Sara | mshealthesteem.com
October 28, 2020A reliable internet connection is so important! And not something everyone has access to. The pandemic has really brought this to light. My province has been working to make things better in order to ensure kids have access to their education when they need to stay home. But it really goes so much further than that too, connecting us when we need it the most.
I love that T-Mobile is working to help with this issue too. That’s fantastic! Thank you for sharing and showing how important this truly is.
Ntensibe Edgar
October 29, 2020Yyaaayyyyyy! Schooling, in these times of COVID-19, is just about to get better and much better. Well done, Project 10Million!
October 29, 2020Project 10Million looks like a great resource for online learning. Learning shouldn’t stop at any cost and these offers do help parents to make sure that their kids have all the resources for online learning.
Megan Elliott
October 29, 2020Wow! This makes me super proud to be a longtime T-Mobile customer! What an incredible program. I’m totally with you on feeling so overwhelmed by this year. I’m having a hard enough time with the pandemic, I can’t even imagine what it’s like to go through all of this with kids! Hang in there, mama!
Christine Weis
November 3, 2020Yes, connectivity is so important to help our kids continue to grow and learn. I love all the free programs that are offered, as well as the online educational programs (I love ABCMouse) for kids of all ages. This pandemic isn’t easy. I am teaching through it and have two young boys at home. Hang in there!
November 3, 2020This is so important. Technology has become such a huge part of life, and when kids don’t have access to it, they don’t have access to opportunities.
Tara Pittman
November 3, 2020This sounds like a great program. I like the way you set up things to play with near the computer
Celebrate Woman Today
November 3, 2020I really like this work station you’ve converted from a crib. It is really awesome.
November 3, 2020It is definitely a hard time for all of us. I’m doing virtual learning with my kids too and it sure can get stressful. We try to do the best we can. I also can’t wait for things to hopefully be normal again. I love to hear about Project 10Million though. That’s great what they’re doing.
Lisa Joy Thompson
November 3, 2020I love that T-Mobile is doing this! There are so many discrepancies in education and lack of internet access just widens the gap between those who are getting great education and those who are barely getting by.
Gervin Khan
November 3, 2020I am glad that T- mobile company doing this to help others most especially during this time wherein every kids are need to learn even despite of CoVid19. Great cause…
Rm Muk
November 3, 2020Such an amazing post. for kids. T mobile thats amazing platforms for kids these days.
Ryan Escat
November 4, 2020That’s so kind of T-Mobile in doing that charity work. I really hoped that someday, reliable internet would be accessible in every spot of the world.
Myrah Duque
November 4, 2020This is a magnificent way to save money! Re-using a crib and converting it into a desk is genius!
November 4, 2020Project 10 million is sound great. Many interesting offer including there. And Get online kids educational platforms for a FREE. This is amazing offer.
November 4, 2020Connectivity is so important nowadays especially now were in pandemic kids we’re not able to go to school so mostly they taking online classes digital is really powerful.
Emman Damian
November 5, 2020I think kids need to know the right tools to access. Parents and teachers should guide them. I think it’s also important to filter all the contents to ensure proper learning.
November 5, 2020Reliable internet has become a basic necessity especially in these unpredictable and unprecedented times. Project 10 million looks like a great initiative.
Marie Phillips
November 5, 2020This post is excellent! I love how many really good options there are for our kids online. While we shouldn’t be giving them a whole lot of time online, it is so good for them to spend productive time online daily. And especially with the current events in the world, so many companies have made things better, more available, and more affordable for those struggling.
sakshi varma
November 6, 2020Frankly I am getting overwhelmed too. My 4 year old doesnt know what to do with his unspent energy and with full time office, it is becoming more and more difficult. I am also hoping for things to become better soon.
Also felt really happy to read about project 10 million – because clearly the disadvantaged have had much more difficulty accessing education than those who have access to reliable internet.
Mosaics Lab
November 6, 2020Thank you so much for letting me know about this program, that is so awesome and as you mentioned extremely important to the kids going forward.
November 6, 2020This is such a great thing that T-Mobile is doing. One of my concerns with the pandemic is the students who don’t have access to what they need to learn from home.
Krysten Quiles
November 7, 2020I appreciate you share this so much, it’s so important to keep kids moving forward even through these trying times.
November 7, 2020I agree: tech gives a lot to modern kids, I don’t understand parents who hightly restrict it
Wanda Lopez
November 7, 2020First of all let me say, you are brilliant. Love the diy idea with the crib. My kids are older, but I do wish they would’ve had this tools available when they were growing up.
November 7, 2020We need to get the whole country connected
Chin chin
November 8, 2020Having internet connectivity is very crucial at this time because students need it more than ever for their online classes. I’m glad we’re able to get a reliable provider.
Aliceee Traveler
November 8, 2020Wow I’ve never heard of such a project but this is such a great idea. We should implement it in UK as well.
Blair Villanueva
November 8, 2020I couldn’t help noticing that table. Is that an old baby crib, and you turned it into a desk?
November 8, 2020Wow! I didn’t know anything about Project 10 Million! What a great initiative.
November 9, 2020Great read thanks for sharing and such a smart idea to turn the crib into a desk.
Janessa Pablo
November 19, 2020while i think t’s better for kids to stay unplugged, you made me realize connectivity for kids is not always a bad thing