When life is busy you can feel like it’s kicking your butt. You’re trying to keep up with your job, keep up with your social life, if you have kids you will try to keep up with them too, and it’s hard. It’s really hard – and even admitting it that out loud can be a difficult task. You need to do what you can to find a way to relax in life, because without that time you take for yourself you are going to bed now and it’s not going to be pretty.
It looks different for different people, but the way that you handle it is what counts. If you have never tried CBD ingestibles before, you might decide to try them as a way to relax, but some people are just as content with a bubble bath and scented candle! You need to do what you can to take time out for yourself from time to time, and we’ve got some of those ways that you can relax right now.
Go for a massage. Sometimes, even something as simple as a hand massage can help. You get your mind off your phone and your books out of your face and you just close your eyes and let an experienced therapist work their magic along your palms. What’s wonderful about it is that you could have a hand massage no matter where you are, and no matter what you do. You could even learn how to give yourself a hand massage which will help you to calm down and relax
Do the palm push. When you put your palms together and hold for 5 to 10 seconds, you give your body proprioceptive input. This allows your body to know where it is in space and it’s wondrously done in yoga and is known as the tree position. A palm push is like a mini, portable tree position that you can put out any time you need to calm yourself down and center yourself.
Close your eyes for a moment. Did you know that 80% of sensory stimulation comes through the ice? Close in them every now and then give your brain a break, and you’ll be able to find that you will do better if you just stay in bed with your eyes closed for nine hours – you don’t even have to be sleeping! Just laying in bed with closed eyes can give you some chill time before the rest of the world barges in.
Learn to breathe slowly. Taking a moment to breathe in slowly and out slowly through the nose and out through the mouth can help you to be more mindful and to focus your mind. It’s a good way to relax without having to go anywhere or do anything because you could even do this at your desk at work.
Stretch your body. When you are stressed, you tense up and this can have an effect on your muscles. Stretching your arms and your legs and getting up and just stretching from side to side can help you to shake off any tension and relax

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