Finally, the update everyone had been waiting for – the arrival of our miracle! A lot of you had been following along our journey and story closely. Some of you even expressed how much you can relate, or anticipate the outcome. I literally poured my heart out on all my updates and made sure to document as well as celebrate every milestone.
If this is your first time on my blog or is relatively new to our pregnancy/infertility story, we welcomed our little one last November 9th, 2017. The week started off a whirlwind. On my 38th week, I was due for an OBGYN appointment that Monday (Nov. 6th) and found out that my cervix was “only” ½ a CM open and it is “just” starting to soften/ripen. The doctor then informed us that it is very much possible that I go over my 40-week mark. If that happens, I will be induced by the 41-week.
Here’s the thing – during this time frame, I have already been experiencing on and off Braxton Hicks … so when I had them a tad bit stronger than usual (Nov. 7th), I couldn’t tell if they were “true labor” contraction. It was on and off. Nothing consistent. But it sure got me worn out as it kept happening for a couple of hours. So came Wednesday (Nov. 8th) it felt like I couldn’t empty my bladder completely. I called it in and was asked to go to the E.R. to be evaluated. They wanted to rule out any infection.
We went, and I was still ½ a CM around 6pm but having contractions for sure. All along I kept telling hubby that we will get sent home afterward while he insists that “this is it!” that our baby is finally coming. By 8pm that ½ CM progressed to 2 ½ and they kept me for another 2 hours to see if it will continue. Guess what? At 10:30pm it went to 3 ½ closer to 4 CM! Before you know it, the doc informed hubby that “I’m a keeper” we’re no longer going home. That IT IS HAPPENING!!! That’s when Derek jokingly exclaimed that we’re not ready yet — so we will come back tomorrow for it. I couldn’t help but giggle a little.
Past midnight we got moved to the labor room. Around 2am I was around 6CM. The doc decided I will be given Pitocin to speed up the process, but I will also get an epidural beforehand. I was terrified! Terrified of the pain, and even more for the process (because I watched a video online how an epidural is done). It was a breeze. Hubby and my nurse held me tight and in place. The procedure was done swiftly. Once I reached 8 CM, they ruptured my amniotic sac. The epidural worked so well that I didn’t feel the rest of the contractions – just a few pressure here and there.
By 8:50am they had me push for the first time. I could barely feel my contractions, so I wasn’t pushing properly. The doctor had the OR booked for possible emergency C-section. I kept trying, and they said they’ll give me more time to see if things will get better once the baby descends a little bit more. 45 minutes later they came back. No changes. I was still pushing incorrectly because I was lifting my bottom from the bed. The doc didn’t like that so she had the OR prepared because she is giving me one last try with my epidural off my system, if that doesn’t work out as well then I will be given a C-section. Baby is fine but his heart rate is dropping, and they don’t want to put him under unnecessary stress.
I didn’t expect the contraction that hit me once the epidural wore off. I was in agony. I kept screaming and wailing out in pain. I am only coherent every minute that the contractions would stop. Hubby is such a trooper that he coached me and helped me every time I would stiffen up. They wanted me to “relax” and let the contractions push the baby, but whenever the pain hits I would shut down and forget everything else. Around 9:55am, the nurses heard my screams and helped me push. When they started seeing his hair, they called the doctor back in. The doc said I am still pushing “wrong” with my bottom lifting up. My nurse simply said “She is pushing better. I didn’t want to stop something that is working just because she is lifting her bottom a little”. Doc is still insisting on c-section, but I pushed and pushed, despite seeing my vision go dark (close to blacking out or losing consciousness). At 10:28am the 9th of November when Josiah King Bethea made his official arrival!
While hubby watched over our little one, I was screaming and crying in the background as I get stitched up for my 2nd-degree tear and perineal lacerations. I am looking at 6 weeks of healing time, but that’s now close to nothing compared to how long it took for us to get to this point of our lives. Plus add the high-risk pregnancy, constant acid reflux, and morning sickness, plus gestational diabetes – it sure makes 6 weeks less grueling to deal with. Plus the fact that there’s NOTHING more beautiful, rewarding, and fulfilling when it comes to becoming a mom! We’re now parents!!! So surreal and yet so magical.
For those of you who are looking into growing your family and wants to increase the chances or have a little assistance, I highly suggest checking out Stork OTC. Amazingly enough, 20% of the women who uses this FDA-cleared cervical cap insemination device gets pregnant! That’s comparable to the recorded success rates of IUI that ranges between 16-21%.
What I totally love is that you can find this device at a local Target store in your area located in the family planning aisle right next to the ovulation test kits. Aside from the convenience of using it at the comforts of your own home, this device retails for only $59.99 and is also available online a

robin rue
November 29, 2017That is very exciting. Huge congratulations. Try to get some rest as much as you can and totally enjoy him.
Joanna @ Everyday Made Fresh
November 29, 2017Congratulations! He is beautiful.I love reading birth stories! It reminds me of my own girls.
Laura @mommydearest
November 29, 2017Congratulations. It’s a wonderful thing becoming parents. It’s such a whirlwind the labor and delivery but in the end it’s all worth it. Enjoy your new baby.
Terri Steffes
November 29, 2017I have read all along your journey, and I am so excited that the baby is here! I know you are beyond excited! Hugs to you and your new son.
Reesa Lewandowski
November 29, 2017Congrats on your new baby! I am so glad your delivery worked out so you did not need a c-section!
Krystal Butherus
November 29, 2017Aww he’s such a handsome little man! The name Josiah is such a powerful name! All hail the King!
AnnMarie John
November 30, 2017What an experience! Congratulations for bringing an adorable baby boy into this world. I’m sure you’re both very excited! He’s just the cutest little thing!
Jessica Joachim
November 30, 2017I love reading birth stories, almost makes me want to have just one more. Your little guy is absolutely adorable and I know you must be in heaven right now. Congrats on the new little man and enjoy every moment!
Rebecca Bryant
November 30, 2017aw, congrats mama. I love hearing birth stories it takes me back to when the teen boy was born. Such a beautiful thing giving birth to new life.
kimberly lewis
November 30, 2017Congratulations! what a beautiful baby. What a fun adventure is starting and I love your story!
Jessica T
November 30, 2017This is beautiful. I love when people share their birth stories. It’s such a personal way to get to know someone. Congratulations and he is beautiful!
Amanda Dorich
November 30, 2017What a sweet little thing! Congratulations on your new baby boy!
November 30, 2017Congratulations on the birth of your baby. He’s beautiful!
December 2, 2017Congratulations mommy, he is absolutely perfect! And you look amazing for just having given birth!
Cindy Ingalls
December 2, 2017Congrats on Josiah. He is such a beautiful little boy. I hope your recovery goes by quickly and easily so you can enjoy this little miracle even more.
Stephanie Pass
December 2, 2017Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! I’m so glad you didn’t need the c/s. Doctors are idiots sometimes. If I had insisted more with my first baby, i probably could have avoided all the c-sections I’ve had with my 4 kids.
Marielle Altenor
December 3, 2017What a perfect miracle! So happy for you. Being a mom is such a beautiful blessing!
Journa Ramirez
December 3, 2017What an adorable little boy.. Birth stories are great – you made me smile. Welcome to the world, little one!
Melissa Chapman
December 15, 2017That is a great story and the baby looks amazing. It is so nice that now you can look back at those anxious moments and tell about the happy outcome and write about it on this blog.
Karen Morse
December 15, 2017That’s was really lovely to read! Your son is adorable and congratulations for bringing a cute and healthy baby boy into this world!
Lisa Favre
December 16, 2017Congratulations to you and your family! You are all looking happy, healthy, and you especially, are glowing.
December 16, 2017Congratulations on your newest addition to your family! What a sweet baby, he is so precious.
December 16, 2017What a wonderful blessing!! Congratulations on your wonderful new arrival and thank you for sharing your birth story!
December 16, 2017Congrats on the new baby. Glad the delivery worked out and all is well.
December 16, 2017Birth stories always melt my heart! Congratulations on your baby!
Yona Williams
December 16, 2017Congratulations on the birth of your little one! You definitely had to deal with a lot during this pregnancy, and glad to see you and baby are healthy!
December 16, 2017Congratulations! What a beautiful addition to your family! It sounds like you had a rough pregnancy and labor and wishing you a quick and easy healing process!
Shoshana Sue
December 17, 2017Congrats again Angela! I’m so glad to read that you didn’t go through with the C-section! Worst thing ever because of the wound that you get to nurse over weeks. Your baby is cute and I love babies when they are between 0-4 weeks. They are cutest to just sit and watch lol
Angela Tolsma
December 17, 2017Congrats on your little one! Rest up, heal and enjoy every moment with her. Love the second last picture. You have a beautiful family.
December 17, 2017I love your birth story. Thank you so much for sharing. Congratulations and enjoy this time!
Angela Cardamone
December 17, 2017Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy! I love your story and that is a beautiful name too! Enjoy every moment, they go by so fast!!!
December 17, 2017Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! Babies are such a blessing and there’s nothing like the relationship between mommy and her son. Those 6 weeks of recovery will go by in a blink of an eye so enjoy every moment. I was high risk with both of my boys and had an emergency c-section for our 2nd, but it was all worth it.
Stephanie Pass
December 17, 2017Congratulations on your sweet little boy! You are so lucky they didn’t force you into the c-section. I wished I had been more forceful in my refusal when I had my first. It ended up making me have 4 c-sections and the final one nearly cost me my life.
December 18, 2017Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby. I don’t think I know anyone that has a birth story that doesn’t involve some type of ridiculous pain or unexpected situation. You’re a trooper and now all that’s behind you!
December 18, 2017Oh, something about little babies makes me happy. Congrats to you two and God Bless you.
December 20, 2017I am absolutely mesmerised by birth stories. Welcome to the world, baby boy. What a beaut name! Oh, momma, you went through some stuff but you did it!
I think the whole labour thing has been putting me off even thinking of having babies. But then again, we are made to do it. Therefore, I can do it too! 🙂 God will help.
Hope you heal very quickly, lovely. Keeping you in my thoughts. xox
December 21, 2017Congrats on your new baby! This is a very exciting time for you and your family. He is beautiful.I love reading birth stories, it gives a glimpse of the future.
Lynnette Joselly
January 3, 2018omg what a beautiful blessing! Congratulations! I actually named my Godson his middle name as Josiah.
October 23, 2018What a beautiful story of your new born. Glad you have documented well here and also plenty of precious picture captured between the babies and parents. love in the air.