As parents, we want to give our kids everything they need in order to grow up as the happy, healthy and secure human beings we know they can be. And if there’s one thing that kids really need to make this parenting dream a reality, it is not lots of toys or junk food, it’s routine.
Yes, routine is really one of the most important gifts you can giv your young children if you want them to grow up happy and safe, here’s why.
Safety Blanket, but Invisible!
Think of a routine like an invisible security blanket (but way less laundry). In a world filled with uncertainties, where they’re constantly learning new things, kids need something to hold onto. That consistent bedtime or lunch schedule creates a feeling of safety and predictability.
Less Meltdowns, More Dance Breaks!
With predictability comes a reduced risk of meltdowns. When kids know what’s coming up next, it removes the anxiety of the unknown. So, instead of the dreaded grocery store tantrums, you might get an impromptu dance in the cereal aisle. (Fun fact: Routine-induced dances burn 89% more calories. Okay, not a fact, but let’s pretend!)
Daycare Days Shine Bright
Oh, speaking of routines, let’s chat about daycare. Daycare is basically “Routine Central” for kiddos. They thrive because a structured day with playtime, naptime, and snack times lets them know what’s up. Plus, when they’re used to a routine at home, adapting to the daycare centre schedule is as smooth as your morning coffee (provided you got to drink it while it was still hot!).
Growing Independence (Tear Alert!)
Routines help foster independence. “It’s 7:30, time to brush our teeth!” suddenly becomes a 5-year-old running to the bathroom, toothbrush in hand, without a nudge. Watching them take charge of their routines is like watching them take baby steps towards growing up. Bittersweet, I know.
Hey, Look, I Made a Time Management Pro!
Starting routines early sets kids up for understanding the importance of time management. They begin grasping the concept of time – morning means breakfast, and evening means bedtime. It’s like laying the groundwork for them to (hopefully) never ask you to wake them up for their 8 am college class!
Quality Zzz’s for the Win!
A bedtime routine is more than just a tactic to end the day. It’s the winding down, the body’s signal that it’s time to rejuvenate. Consistent bedtimes often mean better sleep. And we all know well-rested kids = happy kids = happy parents!
Life’s Rollercoaster Needs Seatbelts!
Routine is a bit like the seatbelt on life’s rollercoaster for your little one. It keeps them secure amidst the dips, turns, and thrilling ups of growing up. While spontaneity and surprises have their joyous moments, the heart finds comfort in the familiar.
As you can see, the importance of routine really cannot be understated when it comes to being the best parent you can be and giving your kids the best start in life, so if you do not already have a solid routine in place, now could be a good time to sit down and work one out.
What do you think?