Making your money work for you is something you should definitely be aiming to do, no matter who you are and how much money you actually have to work with. Why? Because if you leave your money languishing then it will never grow and help to secure your future for you, but if you put it to work, it will start to multiply and your financial future will rapidly start to look a whole lot brighter too. It really is that simple!
That being the case, let’s take a look at some smarter ways to make your money work for you, than just the usual savings account, right now:
1. Pay Off Your Debts
Probably the smartest thing you can do to make your money work for you right now is, if you have them, to focus on paying off all of your debts. If you have money to spare at the end of the month, you might think you are being financially savvy by putting it into a savings account, but umes that account pays more interest than your credit card company charges you each month (which is pretty unlikely), this is actually a foolish decision.
Pour all of your spare cash into your debts and once they are gone, you will be able to really start building a nest egg for the future instead of throwing money away on interest. It’s that simple.
2. Real Estate Syndication
Investing in property has long been one of the smartest ways to use your money to earn money and build a nest egg for the future, and real estate syndication just makes the process even more accessible to many. Okay, but what exactly is it?
Basically, real estate syndication is a bit like crowdfunding for investors. A bunch of people are able to joining a syndicate and invest in a share of a property that they will earn money on. It makes buying big-ticket real estate more affordable and increases yields for everyone no matter how much or little they are able to invest. Pretty neat, right?
3. Peer-to-Peer Lending
Peer-to-peer lending might not be something you have heard about when it comes to investing your money, but it is actually a really great way to see a return on your investment that is higher than the average savings account would be able to deliver.
Basically, peer-to-peer lending lets you lend your money directly to individuals or businesses, cutting out the middleman. Normally, you will get to choose which projects you give your money to, so you can minimize the risk or maximize the return depending on what you are comfortable with. This is a great way to invest your money because, not only do you get to make it work for you, but by lending some of your capital to a budding business owner, you can also help someone else to maximize their own potential and secure their own financial future too. It’s a really cool way to get your money working for you.
4. Invest in the Stock Market
Yes, it’s a classic, but it’s a classic for a reason! Investing in the stock market has traditionally been the best way to make a lot of money, if you are good at it, at least. So, if you are looking for a smarter way to make your money work for you, I would say that learning everything you can about the stock market and trading, and then putting that knowledge into action, is a really effective way to go about that.
5. Start a Side Hustle
Got a skill or hobby you’re passionate about? Turn it into a side hustle. Whether it’s knitting dog sweaters, creating digital art, or starting a blog about underwater basket weaving, the internet is a vast marketplace for just about anything. The trick is to find a niche that excites you and that others are willing to pay for. It’s work, sure, but it’s also potentially making money from something you love. Just don’t let your day job catch you crocheting in a meeting or your financial situation could actually end up being a whole lot worse, right?
As you can see, making your money work for you does not require you to have a financial degree or a rich relative who can guide you along the way, and maybe even throw you a few dollars too; it’s something, with a little effort, we can all do, so y’know, why wouldn’t you?

March 31, 2024Paying your debt is such a weight lifted! It may seem hard at first but once you’ve done it its only up from there!!
Lavanda Michelle
March 31, 2024Paying off debts, exploring real estate syndication, and peer-to-peer lending are all strategies I hadn’t considered before, but they make so much sense!