Ever had an embarrassing slip down there that you wish you can fix? No, not your monthly visitor. We all know most of you ladies are already savvy on that department. I’m referring to those leaks … bladder leaks! It could be from pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, hysterectomy, urinary tract infection, constipation and so much more to list down. Whatever the reason may be it shouldn’t be hard to figure out and prevented. With the help of Poise* Impressa* every one of us can now move outside our comfort zone and win back that missing confidence.
Personally, I have had one too many of a close call during a workout session. I hate the idea that I might end up with an accident if I keep pushing. Stopping leaks starts with Poise* Impressa* Sizing Kit – which includes six bladder support with two of each size + a $4 coupon towards a 10-count single size pack.
There are nearly thirty-five million women who experience “Stress Urinary Incontinence” and most products in the market only offers to absorb leaks unlike Poise* Impressa* Bladder Supports — it prevents them. Once you find the right fit it can be used up to 8 hours every day to stop any leakage or incontinence before it even happens. It’s also the first over-the-counter internal product designed specifically to address SUI.
The way it works is quite simple, it pushes the urethra tube close allowing its user to take full control of their bladder and any leaks. Application is quite easy, it looks and operate like a tampon … so it should be pretty easy to get use to or familiar with.
#TryImpressa and start with a $2.00 off coupon for the Poise* Impressa* Sizing Kit to help you find the most effective and comfortable internal fit.
Many thanks to Poise for sponsoring today’s story and encouraging me to try the new Poise* Impressa* Bladder Supports!

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle
February 9, 2017That is a fantastic idea! Why mess around with pads when you can just stop leaks to begin with? Pure genius.
February 9, 2017I had no idea that it was something so many people experienced. It is great that these products exist to help those women.
Ann Bacciaglia
February 9, 2017My Sister just started using these and it has made such a difference for her. I am so happy she has been able to find a product that helps her feel more confident.
Stephanie Pass
February 10, 2017This is so interesting. I will probably be needing it after this baby. I am having this horrible issue being pregnant so I’ve just been using annoying pads. However, I also have some high risk complications, so I’m not sure if I could use this product right now.
February 10, 2017It’s great to know that there are other options for those who are suffering from sui. I need to show this to my mom.
My Teen Guide
February 10, 2017This looks really helpful. Less of the embarrassing moment because of this.
Terri Beavers
February 10, 2017I’ll have to get the sizing kit. I’m fixing to snag the savings. I know someone else that could use these as well.
Karissa @WithOurBest (@withourbest)
February 10, 2017I think I have a few friends that could use this product. I am not sure what they would think about it.
February 10, 2017I haven’t had this issue yet, but I know so many women experience this! I’ll definitely have to keep this product in mind in the future.
Lisa Heath
February 10, 2017After having my son I had more and more leaks! Luckily it was usually while I was home already – but I still keep these on hand just in case!
February 12, 2017That is interesting! I don’t have that issue yet, but at least I know now what to get when I will have that issue in the future. 🙂
Victoria Heckstall
February 12, 2017I have no idea there are products like this. But I am glad that some people will benefit from this and it will be very useful for them.
February 13, 2017One of the many reasons I’m glad I’m a guy – my wife has to deal with issues like this after 5 kids and it can be embarrassing.
Marielle Altenor
February 13, 2017I love Poise. After having two kids, I can tell you, my bladder has not been the same.
Shannon Gurnee
February 13, 2017It’s amazing how much your body changes after you have a baby. This is definitely a great brand!
February 15, 2017This is a product that can help my mom’s bladder leaks. I haven’t heard of anything like it before.