Giving birth is one of the most precious things a woman could ever do. You carried a child in your womb for nine months, nurtured your precious bundle of joy and kept him or her safe. Your body did an excellent job but it is to be expected that your body will not the same as it was before. Although there are ways to get your body back after having a baby, it is still recommended to check in with your doctor/obgyn before doing any workout routine you would like to try. Studies say that regular exercise after giving birth is good for your health but remember that every pregnancy and delivery is different. Especially if you went through c-section, I highly recommend to take things slow and to remember to pace yourself. At the end of the day, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Every case, every situation is different. Just remember to do this for YOU and not for anyone else. Do it to be healthy. To be happy. Don’t expect ridiculous change or set unattainable goals or outcome. If your doctor cleared you to be physically fit for regular exercise, then you can start off with the following easy workout routine to bring out the new you.
What You Need
- 1. Mat
2. Towel
3. Space
Ready to get started? Try the following for just a few minutes every other day. If your schedule is hectic, try a few times a week. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
1. Walking.
Why it is good for your body: Walking is the easiest and simplest routine that you can do even right after giving birth.
How to do it: You can start with a short stroll. A walk in the park is the best idea, as it can help your mind and body relax too. You can pump up a little bit after a week or two, depending on how your body will react. You can level up your walking by carrying your baby along the way, as it can add extra weight to you. It’s a good mommy-baby bonding too. For a variation, you can try walking in a zigzag pattern or walking backward and sidewards.
2. Deep belly breathing with abdominal contraction
Why it is good for your body: Aside from walking, deep belly breathing is another exercise that you can do right after you give birth. With this easy workout, you can strengthen and tone your abs and belly because it helps your muscles to relax.
How to do it: All you have to do is sit in an upright position, and then start breathing deeply, giving air from your diaphragm upward. Hold your abs tightly while you inhale, and then relax when you exhale. Increase the amount of time you hold your abs from time to time for better results.
3. Curl-ups, shoulder lift, and head lift
Why is it good for your body: These routines will help your back muscles to get stronger. It will also help you burn calories and tone your abs and tummy.
How to do it:
- Curl-ups: Lie on your back and then put your arms on rest along your sides. Slowly lift your torso up until halfway between your knees and the ground. And then slowly reach toward your knees and then hold it for two to five seconds depending on your tolerance. Lower yourself down and then repeat the steps. Do not forget to exhale when you exert and then inhale when you relax.
Head lift: Start with the same position when doing the curl-ups. Keep your lower back lying straight on the floor, and then bend your knees while you keep your feet flat on the ground. Inhale while you relax your belly in the floor. And then slowly lift your neck and head on the floor as you exhale. And then inhale again while you lower your head back down to the floor.
Shoulder lift: Doing the same position as the first two routines, raise your head and shoulders off the floor and then reach your arms and hands towards your knees. Remember to exhale while doing this and then inhale while at rest.
4. Kneeling pelvic tilt
Why is it good for your body: This exercise will help you tone your tummy and strengthen your abs. It will also reduce back pain.
How to do it: Let your toes touch the floor behind you, while your arms are resting straight down from your shoulder line, and with your palms touching the ground. Remember that your back should be straight and relaxed, and never curved. Pull your buttocks forward, while you tilt your pelvis and rotating your pubic bone upward. While doing this, do not forget to inhale, and then hold your position for three seconds and then release.
5. Kegels
Why is it good for your body: Kegels will help you to tone your bladder muscles and will help you reduce the risks of incontinence because of childbirth. If you do kegels regularly, you can control the accidental leaks caused by laughing hard, sneezing, etc.
How to do it: This might be a little tricky, as you have to contract and hold the muscles controlling the flow of urine. For you to be able to know which muscles you need to hold, practice it while urinating. Make an experiment which muscles can stop your urine, and remember how to control it. When mastered, you can do it even when not urinating. Control, hold, and release those exact muscles you control to stop the flow.
Easy Workout Routine for the New Mom
Winning back yourself and your confidence comes first above everything else. Looking and feeling your best shouldn’t be too difficult as long as you have set small goals to achieve. Stay positive and know that you’re doing great … after all, you did just give birth to a precious human being. Trust me, caring for a small human is a workout itself already.
Happy stretching! Let me know if you have any questions.
February 12, 2019After my babies, I stuck to walking most of the time and just small home workouts here and there. I know I need to do more but hopefully one day.
Tara Pittman
February 12, 2019My favorite workout when the kids were babies was walking. I placed them in their stroller and walked a couple of miles.
Amber Myers
February 12, 2019This is a good routine. Right now I just try to jog daily. I really should start lifting weights or something.
Cristina Petrini
February 12, 2019Moms or not, there’s a need to build a wellness routine and keep fit! I try to impose it on me!
February 12, 2019I am not a mom but I do need to start working out more often this year. I love your desk bicycle by the way, such a cool idea!
Alexandra Cook
February 12, 2019I’ve been walking a lot lately. I’m trying to start small and gradually work into a more rigorous routine.
Maggie Unzueta
February 12, 2019Wow! Thank you for sharing this easy work out. Moms like me really needs this.
GiGi Eats
February 12, 2019Kegels! HA! OMG when I was in Labor and Delivery – the nurse stuck her hand ALL THE WAY UP THERE to induce me and she was like WHOAAA you must be doing your kegels you’re NICE AND TIGHT and I was like, UM….. I never have before in my life – HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
February 12, 2019I’m not a new Mom, but I could use some new exercises to do. Right now, I’m just walking.
Princess Quinn
February 12, 2019This is pretty easy indeed. I hate those complicated nerve racking exercises many people are into. I super love this.
Maartje van Sandwijk
February 13, 2019I’ve been running since last year. Stopped for a few weeks and everything the kids did was annoying so I started again. Exercising is such a great stress reliever if you have kids!
February 13, 2019I do need to buy myself a yoga mat and start doing some exercises at home, every morning before i start working. Your routine sounds very invigorating.
Clare Minall
February 13, 2019What a great routine. Definitely needed this at home since I don’t have time to go to the gym.
Alexandra Cook
February 13, 2019For a busy mom liek me, we don’t have time to go to the gym to workout. This is what we really needed.
Rebecca Sanchez
February 13, 2019I love working out. Before I used to go to the gym. Butu when I ahd my abby there is no time for that. So I am thinking to stay fit even if I am home.
February 13, 2019Thank you for sharing this. I don’t really ahve a workout routine but it seems so helpful and want to try it.
Kansas Bonanno
February 13, 2019I’m not really a new mom, my youngest is 15 months but I think this is a great workout to help me start getting back into the swing of things.
February 13, 2019Nice tips for workouts for new moms! I am not a mom but I know some friends who will benefit this!
John Mulindi
February 13, 2019Keeping fit is important for a good health. Am glad you’ve shared these tips with us.
sara welch
February 13, 2019It always took me about a year to get my body back after baby. This a great way to start that journey!
February 13, 2019This is my plan for this year:) To finally work on my wellness routine. Thanks girl for being so inspiring 🙂
Geraline Batarra
February 13, 2019Awesome workouts, sure it will help reduce body fats for moms who really wants to lose some weight.
February 13, 2019I do pelvic tilt daily after my workout in the gym. I totally agree it help me strenthen my abs and ease the back pain. Kegals, well, I have not done that for a long time and glad to come across this post and remind me to start again.
Fatima Torres
February 13, 2019It’s taken me some time to regain my confidence after becoming a mom. I’ve learned to appreciate all that is me.
February 14, 2019Though I’m not a mom, I do appreciate and will benefit from this post! Thank you!
February 14, 2019having a plan and realistic expectation help with accomplishing your set goal and its no different for workout,
Hello Draw Easy
February 14, 2019this was very useful for all moms, Thank you for sharing this easy work out.
Sarah | Gardenfullofdreams
February 14, 2019Great ideas for busy moms just getting back into fitness at any point 🙂
Becca Talbot
February 14, 2019This one isn’t really for me, as I don’t have kiddies LOL. But I’m gonna send it over to my friend who has 2 boys – I’m sure she’ll find your post helpful 🙂 x
Sincerely Miss J
February 14, 2019Great post! I really need this. After having my baby 12 months ago. It has been hard to get the time to work out.
Kalyan Panja
February 14, 2019This looks a super useful workout routine for modern days busy moms.
Bethany Stout
February 14, 2019I love this workout. I have to admit I’m the worst when it comes to working out but this looks like something I can do. Thanks for sharing.
Katie mc
February 14, 2019This is a great post! These are perfect exercise for postpartum and I love that you kept it very simple and achievable!
Paula Stewart
February 14, 2019Getting back in shape is important for both recovery and self-esteem. Having four children I am all too familiar with the new mom body. And, even though my youngest will be 31 next month I still blame this body on them.
Binge on Basics
February 15, 2019This is the ultimate guide of workout routine for moms. I guess this routine will help moms to get on track in their fitness routine.
February 15, 2019I try to walk regularly. It can be hard to workout at home with kiddos that jump on you but walking is perfect.
February 17, 2019Ahhhh I really need to get back into fitness. I feel so much better about myself when I workout daily!
February 17, 2019Great round-up of ideas for a new- mom. If only they can find the time for self-care!
February 17, 2019I think I should try this workout. Thanks for letting us know about these. It really helps!
Bindu Thomas
February 19, 2019Wow! Thank you for sharing this easy work out. This is a good routine. I love this.
Melissa Guida-Richards
February 23, 2019Walking is the perfect work out for a new mom. It is a great way to get fresh air and you can also bring baby along.
March 2, 2019I am not a mom but I do need to start working out more often this year. your post is really helpful.
saniya puri
March 3, 2019This is so useful and seems to be out of so much experience. Thanks for sharing.
Daniel Ezem
October 7, 2019Hi, ANGELA RICARDO
I just read your article explaining the EASY WORKOUT ROUTINE FOR THE NEW MOM. Thanks for sharing that, I have learned a lot from it.
Keep it up.