Ahhh, the digital world … there’s so much to it than meets the eye! As a new mom, I can’t stop snapping photos and videos of our precious bundle of joy, Josiah King. So you can expect that my phone is pretty much overflowing with baby-related moments. Now as a blogger and a photography enthusiast, I always take photos of products I have to review, the events I have attended, as well as the work I have been hired for. Therefore ending up with a lot of important digital files to save.
What My Drive Looks Like
However way you look at it, be it for personal use or for work … I badly need storage that is reliable and secured. Prior to discovering Sandisk Extreme 1TB External USB 3.1 Gen 2 Portable Solid State Drive, I used to keep all my files in multiple memory cards and USB sticks. Speaking of which, do you remember how bulky these portable hard drives look a few years back? In fact, about 5 years ago I just bought hubby one, and I honestly thought it was really slim and portable given that the one he had 8 years back was absolutely MASSIVE!!! There I was thinking it was already a fantastic find. Until NOW.
Buying a new one is my go-to option since I don’t like deleting old files. Given that I am in the market for new storage, I was planning to repurchase the same hard drive I purchased for hubby. I decided to look around for a new model and learned that the latest innovation is the SSD (Solid State Drive), where it is the lighting fast counterpart of the classic hard drive.
If you’re wondering what SSD is and if it is for you, here’s a quick comparison of SSD (Solid State Drive) and the old-school HDD (Hard Disk Drive).
• SSD is faster than HDD when it comes to transferring files. It also boots and read up to 80-100 times faster than any HDD.
• SSD is silent while HDD has little sounds when opened.
• SSD is way lighter than any HDD.
• SSD consume up to 30 to 60% less energy than HDD.
• HDD is cheaper than SSD.
I was floored by the comparison, and I am convinced to switch from HDD to SSD. Across the reviews online, SanDisk is one of the most trusted brands who offer SSD, which I personally believe because I love their flash drives and card readers. I didn’t have to look far when it comes to finding the best SSD available in the market. My favorite tech store Best Buy carries the Sandisk Extreme 1TB External USB 3.1 Gen 2 Portable Solid State Drive. I love that they offer it in multiple capacities such as 250 GB, 500GB, 1TB, and 2TB to fit everyone’s storage needs.
SanDisk Extreme 1TB External Portable Solid-State Drive
The Sandisk Extreme 1TB External USB 3.1 Gen 2 Portable Solid State Drive is a compact, lightweight design. Believe it or not, it only weighs 2.7 ounces!!! IKR?! Crazy. Plus the fact that it offers up to 550MB/sec. read speeds (enables a rapid response when updating files). Even more, this beauty is water and dust resistant. It can literally stand up to rain, splashes, spills and dust. YASSSSSS! Oh, and let’s not forget that its rugged design offers shock resistant solid-state core. You can rely on its performance and even edit photos on the go.
So if you’re like me who can’t stop taking photos of your precious bundle of joy (or the whole family), a blogger, or even a photography enthusiast I highly recommend grabbing one (or more!) Sandisk Extreme at your local Best Buy to keep your cherished memories safe.

Victor Step
August 5, 2018I’ve actually recently been looking for an external drive that would be easily portable. SanDisk is always a good option in my opinion. Thanks for sharing!
August 5, 2018I am terrible about keeping up with technology. Always good to find someone that keeps me in the know and up to date on everything. Will have to show this to my husband as well.
Summer Mitch Ryan
August 5, 2018Nice one!Wecertainly need this, as we are into photography, and having so many photos need a big space.
Melissa Chapman
August 5, 2018I trust BestBuy and this Sandisk seems like the best way to store all your photos. I remember when my kids were little and I wish I had this for them.
Glenda Cates
August 5, 2018I plan on sharing this with my husband as my phone always ends up full of photos and it slows it down and keeps it from working properly.
Terri Beavers
August 5, 2018I take hundreds of photos, I can see how this would come in handy. I don’t know why I’ve never heard of one of these before but I’m going to check it out. The fact that it’s faster is appealing.
Paula Stewart
August 5, 2018I just love tech, that external memory is super slim and liteweight thank you for sharing.
Noel Lizotte
August 5, 2018It’s so true! We have so many pictures, videos and images these days! I’d hate to lose them all and save everything to an external back up. The one I use is several years old and certainly isn’t portable. Great idea!
Dee Marie
August 5, 2018I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this. I actually have a need right now for an external usb. Like you, I have lots of precious memories I’d like keep safe.
August 5, 2018I just bought a hard drive to store all my photos – LOL. This one is portable so I’m thinking about getting this one as well.
August 5, 2018I need to get this to store my photos!
August 6, 2018Thanks for the suggestion! With all of the things we have that need storage, this is a great option! The fact that it’s so small and water resistant makes it that much more of a must- have!
August 6, 2018I need a whole new camera! Mine is slowly dying. I really like this post and it definitely makes me see my need for this product!
August 6, 2018Oh wow! It’s so compact! I didn’t realize until I got down to that later picture! How awesomely portable. I have a big capacity external hard drive, but it’s big, not compact like that!
August 6, 2018And external hard disk is so necessary with the amount of data we have. SanDisk is a great brand and I have a few from them.
August 6, 2018nice review about The Sandisk Extreme. I’ll try to find this in supermall. 🙂 thanks for sharing!
August 6, 2018Wow, i would actually buy that. I always buy San Disk or if not San Disk then something close to this.Wish this would come to India,I would have buy it instantly with discounts and all. And it’s size is way small, I hope it works well also.
August 6, 2018Wow, i would actually buy that. I always buy San Disk or if not San Disk then something close to this.Wish this would come to India,I would have buy it instantly with discounts and all. And it’s size is way small, I hope it works well also. Much useful for my future upcoming business,
August 6, 2018I need to have one of this especially when I travel for weeks. I like how it is so compact and small and easy to bring around!
August 6, 2018Omg. That is small. I had 1TB one about 6ix6x2 niche and it stood on small feet lol. And I that that was small!
August 6, 2018Omg. That is small. I had 1TB one about 6x6x2 niche and it stood on small feet lol. And I thought that that was good!
robin rue
August 6, 2018I am always running out of storage, so this sounds like a perfect option for me. I will have to go pick one up!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All
August 6, 2018This would be great for anyone with a computer, not just photographers. It’s a great place to keep photos backed up and safe.
August 6, 2018This is something I need too. I always run out of storage space on my devices.
Alli Smith
August 6, 2018I love how sleek and streamlined this drive is! I need to upgrade my external drive and I love Sandisk products.
Tomi c
August 6, 2018OMG! I have so many memory cards and sticks it’s ridiculous and most of them are SanDisk. It’s my go to. It’s pretty much the only brand I use. I’ll definitely have to pick up one of these next time I’m at Best Buy. Thanks Angela.
Glenda Cates
August 6, 2018I am putting this and a Camera on my Christmas Wish List this year and also a new phone with a better Camera and more memory because it’s hard being a blogger without the items you need.
August 6, 2018I’m going to look into this as I have so many photos to store too!
Nyc Single Mom
August 6, 2018I have never even thought of a portable external drive but I do take a lot of photos. And this looks like a lightweight to carry one around to be useful!
Dalene Ekirapa
August 6, 2018Thank you for reminding me that I actually need a hard drive Angela. I’m seriously running out of space since my photo shoot pictures and videos have taken up all the space.
Evelyn, PathofPresence
August 6, 2018Thank you for this wealth of information. It sounds like I am ready to update to anSSD as well. I love the convenience of being able to clip it on a carabiner and taking it along with me.
August 6, 2018I like the idea of having a portable external hard drive. I travel quite a lot and I know I take a lot of pictures. This is a great way to store your pictures they continue using your camera.
Pam Wattenbarger
August 6, 2018I so need this! My computer is filled with so many photos that I need to put on a disc. If my computer ever crashes, I am sunk.
Stephanie Parrell
August 6, 2018YES! this is just what I need. I was saying the other day I wish there was a product like this and I didn’t think there was. I am so getting one when I get my new camera!
Terri Steffes
August 6, 2018I think this would make a wonderful Christmas gift. I am going to go and get a couple to save for Christmas!
Jenn @ EngineerMommy
August 6, 2018An external hard drive is essential for backing up one’s documents, images and videos. I have a Sandisk one and love it!!
August 6, 2018I love the compact size and slim design. You can take it with you anywhere and you will never have to worry about running out of storage on the go.
Amber Myers
August 6, 2018I need one of these. I take so many photos so I’m running out of space on my computer. I’ll be picking one up at Best Buy!
August 6, 2018Thanks for sharing this SSD. I have to look into getting this for myself and the Mister. It looks like a wonderful investment for our cameras.
Liz Mays
August 6, 2018Oh how convenient! I ‘d definitely like having a portable storage device like this. I use up a lot of space when I’m traveling.
Tara Pittman
August 6, 2018I love how small that storage disk is. I could take this with when traveling to conferences.
Monidipa Dutta
August 6, 2018San disk is always great. I always prefer it above any…
Jessica Joachim
August 6, 2018This seems great, and I totally need one in my life! I am always needing more storage on the go, especially for my camera!
August 6, 2018This looks like a handy device. I didn’t know the difference between an SSD and an HDD. I’ll have to pick one up.
Kaylyn - Life on the Rocks
August 6, 2018I’ve been in the market for a new external drive. I love that it looks about the size of my phone!
Sara Welch
August 6, 2018That is such a useful tool. I love how little room it takes up!
Kita Bryant
August 6, 2018A portable SSD is super convenient. They work so fast and so well!
Allison Cooper
August 6, 2018I actually just bought one of these for the first time ever and am in love! What a difference it makes!
August 6, 2018I love how compact it is. I need to get one of these. I have always trusted Sandisk.
August 6, 2018Oh I so need this right about now. I have about 10,000 photos on my iPhone right now. I’m definitely going to look into getting one of these.
Anne marie
August 6, 2018My daughter has a lot of audio and video files that go with her music program. This would be great for taking to lessons!
August 6, 2018Wow technology has come a long way. I have a tb by seagate that’s probably like 8 years old and it’s a lot bigger and heavier but I love having the space.
Jeni Hawkins
August 6, 2018That’s too cool! I love that you can take it with you anywhere you go. Having one of these portable drives be mobile really changes the game!
August 6, 2018This sounds like a great product. I could really use one of these. I’ll be looking more in to this.
Mama to 6 Blessings
August 6, 2018This sounds like a great gadget! I need this for my photo’s for blog related content. I will have to check this out.
Tanvi Rastogi
August 6, 2018That looks super compact. I think I need it 🙂 – Nice pictures.
❥ tanvii
August 6, 2018I am always short on storage and bad about backing up my files. This would be perfect for us! What a convenient little device.
August 6, 2018This design looks cool and durable. I like that you said it boots up quickly. It is much more portable than the bulky hard drive I have.
August 6, 2018I’d love something like this for my pictures. I need to pick up a SanDisk for my new files at work too. I want them all in one place.
Amber Gardner
August 7, 2018Great information. Definitely a nice piece of equipment for those involved in media, journalism, photography, etc.
Rebecca Pfanner
August 7, 2018Wow this sounds exactly like something I need! I have a bulky external hardrive from years ago because I too hate deleting files. I’ve been putting everything on a flashdrive but it too needs a backup.
August 7, 2018ohhh I could definitely use this! didn’t realize how small it was until the last picture!
Michelle Leslie
August 7, 2018Your timing couldn’t have been better. We need a new disk for all our old movies and have just started trying to figure out what we should get. I’ll definitely be checking out Scandisk.
August 7, 2018We need one of these, as all our devices are so full. Going to show this to my husband.
August 7, 2018Yes! Perfect timing, just been after one of these, so I’m going to start looking online to purchase this, Thank you! X
Kara Guppy
August 7, 2018My son is off to uni next month and this would be perfect for him
Agnes dela cruz
August 7, 2018I love how Sandish innovated the look of their storage, it looked trendy and compact. I still believe that this brand tops the others when it comes to storage capabilities and the design of the gadget.
August 7, 2018I was literally just looking for a new external hard drive. I was only halfway through the post before I was off to buy. Thank you so much!
Wanda Lopez
August 7, 2018This is a great option for me. I love working remotely, and sometimes is more a necessity than a need. Like when I’m traveling. Will look for it.
The London Mum
August 7, 2018I really need this. I’m forever just uploading stuff to my laptop hard rive and of course I’m always running low on memory. This sounds ideal!
Yeah Lifestyle
August 7, 2018That looks great – so streamlined and tiny compared to the ones you could get a few years ago. So important to have some decent storage, especially in our line of work
Stephanie Jnote
August 7, 2018I can’t tell you how many Sandisjs I have. Helpful to have. And they tend to hold so much data.
August 7, 2018I do like that this SSD drive is so small but in the same time it has such a large capacity. I do take photos all the time and my cloud has been full for so long. I do need to buy an SSD drive as my current one is HDD and a larger than that.
Emma Riley
August 7, 2018Wow, that SanDisk looks like a better storage device to have right now. I will definitely share this to my husband and I am sure he will like it.
Kristie Cirak
August 7, 2018This looks so sleek! Ive not seen this before I will need to look for it over here in Australia I think.
August 7, 2018This is awesome! I haven’t used Sandisk in a long time but I’m glad to see they’re alive and kickin –– I’ll have to look into one of these 🙂
August 7, 2018I really need one of these! My oldest son is a Josiah. I love that name!
August 7, 2018I just bought my first DSLR so this is great information!!
August 7, 2018I love how compact this one is! I need to get one. Mine is a huge bulky nightmare.
August 7, 2018Love this post! It’s jusy what I needed… love taking pics of all my kids and family so I’m gonna check this scan disk out thx a bunch!
Princess Quinn
August 7, 2018Wow this is very cute. I have a bulky and heavy one. I cant believe that a 1TB can be handy like this.
August 7, 2018We love SanDisk memory cards. I’ll have to look into this as my husband and I are always running out of memory space!
What Corinne Did
August 7, 2018This blog post has the best timing! I need a drive! too many photos and my drive is too small!
Elizabeth O
August 7, 2018This looks like a great drive! I love that its portable and its really stylish looking too. SanDisk is a brand I go for too
kristin lesney
August 7, 2018This is great. Fast large storage for on the go. Something I need for phone and camera.
August 7, 2018I’m a big fan of the SanDisk. I’ve been using their memory cards for years. I’ll have to try this out.
danasia fantastic
August 7, 2018A friend of mine just purchased this last week and she absolutely loves it! I’m considering making the purchase too because it’s super affordable and tiny!
August 7, 2018I have seen this in many feeds lately and when I’ve read a detailed product review, I would want to have one as well. This is one helpful tool.
August 7, 2018I’ve heard this is a great product. We take tons of pictures of our family and it’s time to pick up one of these to store our pictures.
August 7, 2018Oh will have to pass the details of this on to my mate hwo is just starting their photography business and has been looking at hard drive options.
August 7, 2018The Sandisk Extreme 1TB External USB sounds like the way to go for maximum storage needs.
August 7, 2018Whoa I love that drive! I definitely need something like that for my blog these days.
Autumn Murray
August 7, 2018I am so behind when it comes to technology. Thank you so much for this blog post – it has helped me understand a few tidbits.
August 7, 2018This would be so handy! I hate to delete photos and files when I am low on space.
August 7, 2018This is awesome! I could definitely use one of these to keep all my photos. Thanks for the recommendation!
August 8, 2018oh man I can’t keep up with technology lol cool that it can clip on to a bag!
Aduke Schulist
August 8, 2018I am always in need of more storage. I have resorted to cloud storage for a lot of my files. This looks handy though
To be the perfect motheR
August 8, 2018I need a hard drive to store my toddler photos, I think this one is the right choice
Thank you for sharing
Olga Zak
August 8, 2018It seems like the best way to store all your photos. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this.
August 8, 2018All that data in one tiny thing! Anyone else remember using floppy discs way back when? My how things have changed 🙂
Suzanne Melton
August 8, 2018That looks like a really nice SSD. The one I have is 1TB, but struggles with the backup I run every month. I will look into this…
Geraline Batarra
August 8, 2018First time to heard this device, it looks so good and it looks really faster than my old hard disk. I will definitely check this out and will share this also with my friends.
August 8, 2018My boyfriend would love one of these and I think I would too! Great review – very convincing!
August 8, 2018I need one. So many pictures to keep. I need a big space to store them.
August 8, 2018I agree. Sandisk is the best brand out there in the market. Highly recommended. Infact my memory card is a Sandisk!
♡ XOXO ♡ • fionadiaries.com
August 8, 2018This is such a constant problem. Both my phone and computer are very overloaded and I need to better manage my file storage! This might be a good option.
August 8, 2018I didn’t know something like this even existed! I definitely need one asap. I also keep photos on multiple memory sticks and cards and it’s so messy, This storage device would be just perfect for me on the go!
August 8, 2018I am always taking so many pictures for the blog and just capturing amazing moments that this would be perfect for me. great idea! gonna have to look into upgrading to this.
August 9, 2018This is a perfect little storage. I need one!!
Lynne Harper
August 9, 2018My hubby has actually been looking for a new hard drive for his pictures. This is a great size and holds a lot will pass the info over to him x
Nichola - Globalmouse
August 9, 2018I love the look of this and it’s definitely something I need in my life – probably a number of times over. It’s brilliant how you can hang it from a bag, I really need it!
August 9, 2018I absolutely hate deleting old photos, even the obscure ones that anyone else would think why on Earth have you kept this so I love the sound of this and I love the fact it’s so small and easy to travel with
Katrina Downie
August 9, 2018This hard drive looks fab I currently have an ugly looking large block which is a bugger to carry I will look at this when i need more space shortly
August 10, 2018I love how small these are. So handy for photographers!
August 10, 2018This really sounds like an absolute essential. My computer is always running slow and its because of the amount of stuff I have saved on it!! xxx
Emily Leary
August 10, 2018I could not live without portable SSDs and I’m a huge fan of Sandisk. You need a reliable brand if you’re transporting vital data and they tick that box. I hadn’t seen this particular one before – it’s so dinky!
Mommy Peachy
August 10, 20181TB and it’s so small!!! I need that in my life.
Mommy Peachy
August 10, 20181TB and it’s so small!!! I need that in my life with all the photos I’m taking.
Blair villanueva
August 10, 2018It looks sleak and cool. Do they have more than 1TB? Apparently 1TB is not enough for me. 🙂
Becca Wilson
August 12, 2018I could totally use one of these! Extra space and storage is always a must when working on my projects.
Lisa Rios
August 14, 2018I like big drives and I cannot lie! LOL – Really, I’ve been meaning to get new ones, and this is helpful!