We all suffer several traumas in our lives. Some are physical while some are emotional. Whichever one you are dealing with right now (and it could be both) you have to seek the time and the professionals that will give you the tools and knowledge necessary to help you heal. Giving the gift of healing is so important and one of the greatest gifts you can receive. Here are some ways you can heal and why it’s so important to do so.
Speak With a Therapist
Therapy is not for everyone, but it is worth a try. For so many people who have suffered emotional trauma, talking with a professional helps. Therapy is not designed to find what’s wrong with you, but instead, therapy is designed to be a safe space where you can discover how you can make yourself better. When you take the reins in your own recovery, you are taking control over your life and not leaving your healing up to anyone else. Take the time to talk to someone and figure out how you can start healing.
See an Occupational Therapist
If you have sustained a physical trauma through an accident, attack, or injury, you can very easily become depressed and feel the emotional effects of the trauma. An occupational therapist will help you get back on your feet. There are a few degrees needed to become an occupational therapist, so whoever you see will be a professional who knows what they are doing. By taking the time to see an OT, you will start to understand your body better and take the steps to getting moving again and connecting your brain to your body. This time will allow you to be in control of yourself and that kind of power will stay with you far beyond your recovery.
Spend Time Alone
Many will say that being alone with your thoughts can be scary, but when we are alone with our thoughts we can set things straight with ourselves. Take the time everyday to be with yourself and check in with yourself to see how you are doing. Alone time can allow you to gauge your progress and see how you are doing as you heal from a traumatic experience. A few minutes to about 45 minutes a day is a good amount of time to be alone and do what you love to do like sipping coffee, journaling, or being kind to yourself.
Set Time Aside to Rest
When we are trying to deal with a situation that has given us pain, we tend to keep ourselves busy to block everything out. We can easily run ourselves down and run ourselves thin when that happens. You must rest. Rest helps the body and the mind heal. Rest allows us to switch off and forget what is going on. It is also a great time for a bit of introspection to figure yourself out so that you can face the next day with confidence and self-love.

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