When we were growing up, there were new things that were introduced to the world and we thought they were the bee’s knees. However, as grew older, some of the things have fallen out of fashion, such as the fax machine. There are plenty of things that have gotten better with age. Here are some of the inventions that keep improving.
Caller ID
The idea that we used to answer the landline when we had no idea who was calling is a scary one. How did we manage to survive this? Admittedly, when people called the landline, there was a good chance that they had your number because you had given them it. It was only as time went on and companies began spam marketing and cold calling people at their homes that the issue with answering the phone became an issue. This is when caller ID started to come into play.
Originally, it was just the phone number that popped up on a little display of the caller ID box. If you knew the number, you answered. If you didn’t recognize it, you could take a chance. Since then, the way that we control our call has become something else. If you don’t know the number that is calling, you can lookup person by phone number online. Our mobile phones are even programmed to recognize a company when they send us a text message. Caller Id has definitely gotten better with age.
The internet
It is probably pretty obvious that the internet has gotten better over the years but let’s have a fresher of what it used to be like. For one, now we have unlimited access to a world of information. 30 years ago, we had to use a disk and wait for our computers to dial into the internet. There is a certain noise that occurred everything that is distinctive and fills people with a slight feeling of anxiety and excitement as you waited to get online. Back then, the internet had random forums, a few websites, and was a bit of a mess. What we have now is a far cry from what it started off as.
TV viewing
Kids will never know the struggle that was running to the bathroom during the ad break of your favorited show and attempting to get back in your seat before it started again. There was only a handful of channels and cable was not an option for most people. If you wanted to watch a show, you had to make sure that your butt was in your seat at the right time. There was no streaming, no pausing, no fast forward through the ads. It was the most basic form of TV viewing. Now, if we want to watch a show, we can stream it whenever we are ready, you can do more with live TV than just pause it. You can even watch TV on your phone while you ride the bus.
As you can see, there are quite a few things that have improved with age. We wonder what the next technological improvements will be over the next thirty years?

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