I have always been afraid of aging. In fact, I would often vent out my fear to my husband who would think that I am overacting or just simply crazy because after all, my skin still looks youthful and healthy. Well, for now at least.
But ever since I was a teenager, I always hear that prevention is better than cure— that it is always best to take good care of my skin as early as now instead of waiting for the wrinkles and fine lines to show up before you will do anything about it.
As a woman in her early 30’s, I have found that it is important now more than ever that we start pampering and caring for my skin. While I do not have visible wrinkles under my eyes, my eyes could use lots of pampering especially since I am sleep deprived of taking care of my baby. Also, I have learned the fact that the formation of wrinkles begins deep in the skin, so it is best to address these issues right away.
That is what the Tria Eye is all about. It is a portable eye wrinkle laser device that uses patented technology in penetrating the skin, reaching the deep layers where elastin and collagen are produced. The results? The natural rejuvenation process of the skin is boosted, and a radiant and youthful looking skin can be achieved within just 2 weeks.
Using this device is pretty simple. You just have to prep your skin for the treatment by using the Priming Cleanser. After that, gently glide the laser over the eye area for a few minutes. Afterwards, apply the eye renewal cream.
After using the device on a regular basis, I can say that my eye area looked healthier and more radiant. Gone are the dull, puffy, and dark eyes and hello to the brighter and more beautiful eye area. With Tria Eye, I am sure that I will not see wrinkles or fine lines anytime soon! And for a busy momma like me who do not have the time to pamper myself, that is certainly a huge relief!

Joanna Bayford
February 26, 2018That looks like a great device, I agree with you about prevention as I am slowly getting closer to 30 I’ve started to look after my skin a lot more.
February 26, 2018This sounds like a little miracle! Sleepless nights and parenting 3 can really take it out of ya 😉 I’m gonna take a look at this!
Sarah Bailey
February 26, 2018Now this sounds like a really interesting product, I have to admit I am all for anything that may help keep those laughter lines at bay for just a bit longer.
February 26, 2018I’m glad to hear that the smooth beauty eye had helped make your eye area more radiant and youthful. Your skin always looks beautiful to me 🙂
February 27, 2018That looks like a really great product. I try to use minimum products for my skin to look great. Since this doesn’t take that much time to do every day that makes this product even better.
Geraline Batarra
February 27, 2018Oh wow, this is something that I really need. I really don’t know but some wrinkles start appearing on my eyes. I may need to have this.
lisa prince
February 27, 2018this looks very interesting and i agree with looking after your skin , im currently having issues with mine at the moment
Harriet from Toby & Roo
February 27, 2018This sounds really cool! I think the bags under my eyes are my biggest enemy but my wrinkles aren’t too bad! H 🙂
February 27, 2018I don’t fear ageing, but I could definitely do with some help in the eye wrinkle department.
Rhian Westbury
February 27, 2018I’ve used a few Tria products before but didn’t know they did something like this, I’m sure in a few years I’ll need something like this x
Jeuelle Sam
February 27, 2018Improvement in as early as two weeks! That’s amazing.
Elizabeth O
February 27, 2018This sounds like an interesting device. I am all for anything that helps with the aging process!
Mayah Camara
February 27, 2018From what I’ve seen from your photos you’re really not gonna need this but I hear you on taking preventative measures! Sounds like an interesting product.
February 27, 2018I have noticed that wrinkles are starting to appear thick and fast for me so this sounds like it would be great to help reduce them
February 27, 2018Interesting product! I definitely wish I took better care of my skin and stayed out of the sun more when I was younger but i’m happy to know products like these exist!
bella at Dear Mummy Blog
February 27, 2018My mummy needs to invest in something to combat her fine lines. This sound intriguing and we’ll certainly look into it x
February 27, 2018Aging is just part of life,Angela,no need to fear it on any level!
Mellissa Williams
February 27, 2018This sounds like a great device. I’ve been looking for something to help my eyes look a little younger, I might have to check it out for myself!
Yeah Lifestyle
February 27, 2018Looks like a great device to continue to stay young. Glad to hear that it works and your eyes are looking more healthier.
Dee Clarke
February 27, 2018You got that right! An ounce of prevention is much better than a pound of cure. You are smart to start a good skin care routine early. You’ll be thankful you did well into your golden years.
Kelly Anne Edgar
February 27, 2018This great information. This device sounds so amazing, I want/need one!
Hey Sharonoox
February 27, 2018I’ve never heard of this before but it sounds like something that really works. I’ve dark undereyes and some fine lines on my eyes so this look like something I might’ve to check it out.
Holly Lasha
February 27, 2018This looks great…I should try this. I love finding new beauty products.
February 27, 2018Wow, quick results are always an incentive.
Bianca Dottin
February 27, 2018I need this badly! The bags under my eyes are an island of their own.
Jem Castor
February 27, 2018This looks like a really cool product. Lately I’ve been having lots of facial reaction but maybe this one will be different. I have to try!
February 27, 2018I don’t have wrinkles yet but I’ll keep these in mind 🙂
February 28, 2018super curious to try this!
February 28, 2018I am glad you’ve noticed a difference since using the laser device and you can see a reduction in ageing lines and you eyes area looks brighter.
February 28, 2018As I took a selfie last week, I notice that wrinkles started to appear around my eyes. I definitely need to look after my eye area from now on, so thank you for the recommendation!
February 28, 2018I am the same as you, in my 30th, with a young-looking skin and no wrinkles. However, there are mornings when I wake up with puffy eyes. This wrinkle laser sounds very interesting to keep the skin around the eyes healthy looking.
Nichola - Globalmouse
February 28, 2018Oh gosh I so need this in my life, with three kids I’m sure my eyes always look tired!
Lynne harper
February 28, 2018Oh I’ve never heard of anything like this before like you I’ve always thought that prevention is better earlier I must look into this product a little bit more
Lisa Rios
February 28, 2018This looks like it would be so good for my eyes! I love design and color, too
Melanie williams
February 28, 2018Sounds like you had some fab results and I would love to try this and have the same success x
February 28, 2018Looking after your skin and having a good skin care routine is vital. Wearing sun protection is so important too. Having a device like this sounds like a helping hand, and certainly something worth considering.
March 1, 2018This sounds great, I have been suffering more and more lately with puffy eyes and dark circles so this would be ideal for me
Super Busy Mum
March 1, 2018This is something that I need in my life – stat! It sounds and looks, great!