Looking to make some extra cash, but bored with all the articles suggesting you need to write an eBook, drive for Uber, or play the Stock Market? Then you have come to the right place. Just keep reading to find some of the weirdest but most profitable options around today.
Snooze your way to wealth
If you love a good nap, then this option for raising some extra funds may be right up your street. What I’m talking about here is being part of a sleep study which can pay a decent amount of money to you, while all you have to do is slumber.
All you need to do is attend a research facility during the night and allow scientists to hook you up to their machines which will likely be an EEG. It’s also worth noting that many sleep studies will film their participants as well, and some require those with specific issues such as snoring or night terrors.
Live your tour guide fantasy
Love walking around your local area and spotting places of interest? Becoming a local tour guide may be a great way to make some extra money. People living in or close to big cities or areas with a particular historical interest do best at this game, and you’ll have to know the history of the routes you’ll be walking.
To gain as many customers as possible and make each walk profitable, it’s a good idea to set up a profile online. Then happy customers will be able to leave you great reviews which will help you get more customers, and make more money.
Lease your land
If you find yourself in possession of some land that you aren’t really using, you may be able to leverage it for pay, even without selling it. Indeed, there are many options to consider when it comes to leading your land including livery for horses and leasing it for festivals. Another option is to lease your land out and allow a provider to use it as a solar farm. You may even be able to establish a contract that allows you to farm it on a low level at the same time.
You may also want to consider working with agents like vertical consultants who specialize in cell tower leasing. The reason is that cell towers take up relatively little room, but agents will still pay a great deal of money for land on which to site them.
Get the Flu
Lastly, and perhaps most unlike the more regular ways to make money, you can make a few thousand dollars by getting the Flu. The catch is that you’ll need to attend a research center and let them infect you with the virus so they can test different variables and see which have the biggest impact on the length and severity of the disease.
Of course, having the Flu whether you are being paid for it or not isn’t fun. Although there are some good things about being a test subject at a research center including having all your meals provided, your room, and entertainment laid on such as TV, films, and video games.
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