Aging is an inevitable aspect of life with many changes, including higher risks of feeling depressed and lonely, and unfortunately, stats reveal that 85% of older adults often receive no medical assistance with mental health challenges. That is why many people go the extra mile to ensure that their elderly relatives are taken care of. The increase in health concerns in those twilight years makes it essential to make older adults comfortable and content. With that said, here are some helpful tips on boosting happiness and improving their quality of life.
Spend quality time with them
The reason many elderly people battle with depression is due to loneliness. Many live in their houses and have long become empty-nesters. With children growing into adulthood and living with their own families, it can become challenging to spend more time with elderly relatives. However, mental health experts say quality time with older adults boosts cognitive function and makes them happier. The moments spent recollecting great memories play a role in combating depression and low self-esteem. A University of California study stated that lonely senior citizens have a 59% risk of progressive cognitive decline. Meanwhile, 45% of the same group are twice likely to depart from the earth earlier because of the reduced contact time with others. So, with this information in mind, you will be helping a great deal by spending quality time with your elderly relatives.
Listen to them more
According to the American Psychological Association, senior citizens feel valued and appreciated when people dedicate time to listen to their chats. Sometimes, your elderly loved ones only want to talk to someone, and taking the time to listen to them will go a long way. Indeed, there is a difference between hearing and listening. The latter means you are paying thoughtful attention to what they say. Health experts say that talking to a trusted person is therapy on its own, and this is what you will be offering an aging parent or an older adult who trusts you. It’s good to know that senior citizens are often eager to share their life experiences with you. By taking the time to engage in these chats and listening attentively, you might end up going away with valuable life lessons. Besides, it’s a great way to maintain a positive outlook on life.
Provide opportunities for social interaction
Humans are social creatures, explaining why people feel renewed after spending time in interactive settings. That is particularly important among senior citizens who spend more time alone than any other age group. Older adults feel more connected and engaged with the world when they spend time in social settings. As such, many senior communities encourage peer interaction among older people. The objective is to build a network of senior citizens who can share similar experiences and appreciate each other better. As indicated earlier, loneliness and isolation are primary reasons for depression among older people. However, senior community living is helping solve this problem. These living arrangements create a community of togetherness where older adults can maintain privacy and independence.
Help them stay active
The golden years of old age are often burdened with many health issues, but they can be overcome or managed with the right strategies. One such is staying active as often as possible. Registering them at a gym is unnecessary if there is no interest. However, you can help older adults stay active by encouraging them to take brisk or leisurely walks around the community or engage in their best-loved hobbies. Activities like gardening involve a wide range of body movements which can be ample exercise for a senior citizen.
Admittedly, the motivation to continually remain active can be absent among the aging population. That is why older adults need help by way of encouragement. If you can, commit time to engage in these activities with them or schedule hobbies and events, you can participate in together. The more they stay active, the better it will be for their physical and mental health. Group activities are also excellent for their emotional health as they are a great way to bond.
Your loved ones may experience many ups and downs as they grow older. However, it’s also a great time to make unforgettable memories. It doesn’t take much to make an elderly person feel appreciated and happy. All it takes is deliberate planning and ensuring they are as comfortable as possible. All these things help an older adult feel engaged and connected to the world.

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