Whether you run a charity, or like to get involved in good causes in your community, making sure that you collect as much money for them as possible is integral to how much good work you can do. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways to maximize donations to your good cause. Read on to find out what they are.
Encourage choice
Many people are put off by the aggressive methods that a lot of good causes and charities have employed lately. For example, they do not like to feel as if they have been colored into donating, and that means very emotional appeals, and people asking for money from house to house and in the street is a bad idea.
Instead, be sure to place your donor and their autonomy firmly at the center of the donation process. This means giving them plenty of options to choose from including different amounts to donate, and different types of donations like monthly, or one-off gifts. In this way, you can avoid making people feel as if they have no other choice than to donate, which is very likely to put them off from supporting your charity and making other donations in the long term.
Show how a donation can help
One of the most effective ways of maximizing donations to your charity is to clearly show how donations can help. This should be done in the most specific way possible. That means instead of saying that donations help improve the lives of a group of people, you should state the precise things they provide like a night’s shelter for a homeless person or a goat for a family in a third-world country. Remember the more specific you can get the more of a personal connection donors will feel to the people that their money is going to help.
Make giving easy
Making giving to your charity easy can greatly boost the number and the value of the donations you receive. This is because people’s time is precious no one wants to have to jump through endless hoops when making their donation.
The good news is there are many ways you can make donating easier. One is to embrace third-party payment services like Paypal, so donors do not have to enter their credit card details. Indeed, this can not only make the processes faster but more secure as well, so people are more likely to give.
You can also work with Professional advisors in finance who in turn can work with charity donation specialists to find ways to maximize their client’s giving and make the tax implications clear and easy to understand. After all, if you show people how donating can not only benefit others but give them some relief on their finances you will be inundated with donations.
Make donation notifications sharable on social media
Lastly, if you want more donations a great idea is to make sure that you make things sharable on social media. One of the best ways of doing this is to add a share button to the notification that you provide a donor with once they have made a payment. Then can then share this on social media raising awareness for your cause, and encouraging others to make donations too.

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