When’s the last time you really showed yourself some TLC? All too many of us get caught up in the commitments, demands and responsibilities of day to day life, rushing around and finding little time to do the things that we actually want to do, or to be able to truly unwind and relax. It’s absolutely essential that you avoid this and start practicing self care on a regular and ongoing basis. This will give you the support you need to lead a happy and healthy quality of life. Of course, self care means different things to different people, as we all have different needs, preferences and interests. But here are a few suggestions that could help you to get this journey started.
First, let’s focus on rest. Are you getting your recommended eight hours of sleep a night? This is recommended for good reason, as the time that we sleep is the time that our bodies get to recuperate and repair themselves. If you feel like you’ve been relatively sleep deprived lately, or have long term sleep deprivation from short nights and long days, why not schedule some rest time in for yourself? This could be a midday nap, an early night or a lie in – whatever best suits you.
Manty people’s favorite thing to do when creating a self care day or self care schedule for themselves is to visit a spa and book in some treatments. Spas are deeply relaxing environments where you can look forward to immersing yourself in a soothing and restorative environment. You can enjoy anything from saunas and steam rooms to heated pools, ice baths and a range of treatments ranging from massage to facials and more. Alternative to the spa, you can head to a cosmetics or beauty appointment. This could be something simple like manicures and pedicures or something more niche like Element Body Lab – CoolSculpting Experts. Consider what you’d like ot indulge in and schedule some appointments.
Relaxed socialization is great for you. Not only do you get to engage in some activities you enjoy, but you also have the opportunity to spend some time with those you love, bonding and making some great memories together. Remember that your social schedule should meet your needs. Avoid overpacking your calendar to ensure that meet ups are something you enjoy and can look forward to, rather than feeling like a chore. Catch ups over a coffee, film nights, meals, hitting bars and clubs… whatever you want to do, check your friends or family members’ availability and stick to your plans!
Do you have any hobbies or specific interests you’ve let slide lately? Take some time to get back into them. Spending time doing something purely for the sake of enjoying doing it is always beneficial for your mood and your happiness. You could even sign up for something new you’ve wanted to try for a while.
Self care really is important, so dedicate some time to it. Hopefully, some of the guidance above will help!

September 21, 2022Indeed!
Self care is important