Don’t you just miss summer? I know I do. I will never get tired of starting my day with a beautiful, warm ray of sunshine. Especially the heat that gives me a reason to lounge by the pool or relax by the beach. I’d easily trade off this ghastly wind and gust for extra time under the sun. Now that the colder weather is taking us all by a whirlwind (literally), I can’t help but notice that my love for summer has taken a toll on my hair. I have post-summer dry hair! I can’t believe it took me this long to notice, but I have a major split end issue that needs fixing. I figured it’s about time I split up with my split ends!
Suffering from split ends, dehydration, and humidity damage? Then you definitely need to check out Aussie’s products! Their 3 Minute Miracle Strong Conditioning Treatment works absolute wonders guaranteeing great hair that is easily attainable. Ready to say goodbye to damaged hair and give yourself a much-needed treat? Let’s get started!
If that striking shade of purple isn’t electrifying enough, I don’t know what is. The packaging is very bold and inviting. Immediately I popped the lid and gave the products a good whiff. I totally love that it smells different! Quite different than what I am used to but in a good way. There’s only one word to describe the scent – earthy! It’s a combination of citruses, subtle floral hints with rich wood notes.
Aussie Total Miracle Collection 7N1 Shampoo
• Protects hair from humidity, combats damage and prevents split ends
• This moisturizing frizz control system strengthens hair to fight against damage.
Aussie Total Miracle Collection 7N1 Conditioner
• Fortifies hair from damage and creates silky softness with brilliant shine.
• The nourishing moisture promotes split end protection and humidity control
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Strong Conditioning Treatment
• Makes hair 10x stronger that fights off damage vs. any non-conditioning shampoo
• Lengthens the life of your locks by reducing damage
Aussie Instant Freeze Sculpting Hair Gel
• Ideal for frizzy, fussy hair that is stubborn and refuses to hold
• Perfect for keeping all hairstyles in place and great for holding braided top knots
Aussie Moist Shampoo
• Gives amazing moisturizing power while strengthening hair from the core
• Leaves hair thoroughly clean, fresh and ready to be styled
Aussie Moist Conditioner
• Quenches and hydrates thirsty locks in a flash
• Maximizes hydration for a luxurious, silky mane in no time
Say Goodbye to Post-Summer Dry Hair
Beauty in a rush doesn’t have to be complicated. Aussie products will get your hair back to its crowning glory in no time. To top it all, these products are readily available for purchase at! Let me know your thoughts!

December 1, 2016I love Aussie hair products, especially the moist collection my hair really thrives with it. Yours looks beautiful x
Miracle Max
December 1, 2016I love Aussie products. I suffer terrible with split ends so this is perfect for me. Jo x
Ana De- Jesus
December 1, 2016Your so pretty! I definitely need to break up with my split ends because they are awful. I do like Aussie!
December 1, 2016Never tried aussie hair products, but always hear good things. Great read! x
December 1, 2016i haven’t used much of aussie products but these sounds amazing
Georgia Colloff
December 1, 2016I love Aussie hair products so much, their 3 minute miracle is my favourite! I do need to try out a few more products to rejuvenate my hair so will be checking these total miracle shampoo and conditioner out!
December 2, 2016This is the shampoo I use too. It has transformed my hair and it smells amazing too.
December 2, 2016I love Aussie so much! Their 3 minute miracle is just incredible! The packaging looks cool too! I wonder if we have those too over here, or just the plain white bottles. Ha!
– Elodie x
Rhian Westbury
December 2, 2016I need to start using conditioning treatments more as I wash my hair every day so it’s going to need some moisture back x
Lubka Henry
December 2, 2016Your hair looks really amazing! Lovely and so lively too 🙂
December 2, 2016I do love the Aussie products and that packaging is very eye catching. I have a split end issue too so these would be really useful for me.
December 2, 2016I love the Aussie brand, here in the Uk the packaging is different but they are the same quality. They do really make my hair look nice and smooth.
melissa major
December 2, 2016I haven’t tried this brand before but it sound great! the packaging looks lovely too
December 2, 2016I wish my hair liked Aussie products but it really irritates my scalp! Your hair looks just so healthy x
The London Mum
December 3, 2016I love the Aussie brand. It does wonders for my hair, so these products are right up my street!
Amelia Larsen
December 3, 2016I’m yet to try anything from this range but love Aussie as a brand x
Amy Deverson
December 6, 2016I love using Aussie – it always sorts my hair right out and their products always smell gorgeous. x
December 6, 2016I’ve never tried these particular product before, but they do sound great.
December 6, 2016I have an Aussie shampoo, but didn’t know about this range! Need to try it since my hair it’s so dry!