People say that time flies when you are having too much fun. Well, it seems like time flies the fastest when you are busy (and you love what you do!). Just like that, time flew so fast, and my baby is now two months old! I swear it still feels like he just made his big debut.
Two months may just be a short time, but I have never felt so fulfilled and happy, especially since I have seen our baby boy Josiah achieving different milestones again and again! So what did my baby managed to do for his second month?
Well, of course, he grew bigger and got heavier! He is now 22 inches long and weighs 2.6 lbs. And just when I thought that my heart is already full, it just got fuller! This month, he managed not just to smile back but to share a giggle or two! … and if I may add, it is the most beautiful sound EVER. And it seems like he has gotten my love for talking because he also loves to share his stories through babbles and cooing. Seriously though … holy batman, this child loves to talk and loves to wake me up just to “chat”. While I dislike getting my sleep cut short (especially as a sleep deprived mom), I’d do it in a heartbeat over and over again when it means getting awakened to see Josiah’s beaming eyes and sweet smile.
According to his pediatrician, this is the time when he will start to see colors and things. And boy, was she right! In fact, he is already following us with his eyes. His dad claims that baby boy knows exactly where I am and follows the direction I am going to or coming from. In addition to that, he has also learned to respond to colors and light of the TV.
This month, his tummy time has become more exciting too as he is now able to hold his head up even for a brief moment. The only problem is that he doesn’t seem to be a big fan of his tummy time. He’ll coo and wriggle a bit before he starts crying out for help. On the other hand (pun intended) he also loves to put his hands in his mouth. Aside from trying to munch his hands over his mittens, what he seems to enjoy the most is the orange flavor of his vitamins!
It is true that every month with your newborn is worth celebrating because you are starting to get to know them more. Josiah King’s milestones are some of the things that I look forward to every month, and I honestly can’t wait to share them all with you. So if you enjoy them as much as I do, please stay tuned for his third-month milestone update.

Aduke Schulist
January 29, 20182.6lbs? Is that supposed to be 12? He is adorable. And time does fly. Especially when they are young.
January 29, 2018Oh my goodness look at him! He is such a cutie pie. Happy 2 months Josiah!
Lisa Favre
January 29, 2018Happy 2 months to your beautiful baby! He looks so happy and healthy and the photos of him are so adorable! Keep ’em coming!
January 29, 2018Ah! He’s a little cutie! Yes time does go by so fast. Enjoy him while he’s this small. I have an eight year old know it all and miss his toddler years.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy
January 29, 2018What a precious milestone. Every month milestone is special in its own way. Take plenty of pictures every day, because the time passes all too quickly!
Terri Steffes
January 29, 2018I cannot believe that Josiah is two months old! Wow! I LOVE babies at three months. Full on eye contact, smiles JUST FOR YOU, and giggles. GIGGLES!!
Joely Smith
January 29, 2018Aweee such a sweetie!! I remember when my babies could first hold up their heads! Keep enjoying each milestone and each blessing!
Bill Sweeney
January 29, 2018Has it already been two months? My, how time flies! I truly enjoy reading your posts on your son. He’s growing up too fast!
January 29, 2018He is absolutely adorable! I love that you are documenting all of this. I wish I would have done that with my girls.
January 30, 2018Look at that beautiful hair! I can’t believe it’s been two months already. It is fun to see them go through their first milestones.
Chelle dizon
January 30, 2018Oh my gosh, super cute ng inaanak ko! I love you Josiah, mwah!
January 30, 2018He is so adorable! Happy two months to him! Sounds like he’s doing very well.
Victoria Heckstall
January 30, 2018He is so cute. this is the cutest photo I’ve ever seen
Melissa Dixon
January 30, 2018What a beautiful baby! IT is so important to celebrate each milestone. I love it!
January 30, 2018OMGosh!!! What an absolutely adorable little guy! Such a blessing!
January 30, 2018Aww, he’s so cute! Love these photos.
January 30, 2018What a cutie! Those early months are a blur for me, but I’m remembering the sweet moments looking at your little one. Enjoy these days!
January 30, 2018GIrl. Your baby is ADORABLE!! Congrats on him hitting his milestones!!
Tim B
January 30, 2018Baby pictures are always awesome to see. Glad to see he is healthy and thriving!
Cyn Gagen
January 30, 2018It’s so fun watching babies as they grow. There are so many changes every month. My little grandson is 4 1/2 months old and has quite the personality already. It’s wonderful to watch it develop.
January 31, 2018Your baby is so cute! I am glad you are having fun together!
January 31, 2018Oh wow, he’s two months old already?! Times does fly, doesn’t it? And he’s such a cutie. Happy two months!
Amber K
January 31, 2018Awwww! Happy 2 months little guy. He’s absolutely adorable and I love your photos.